- The net result is an increase in the volume of China's standing timber. 其最终结果是在中国,正在生长着的树木的数量有所增加。
- Indeed, in most areas of new settlement, standing timber was often an impediment rather than a valued resource. 的确,在大部分新开辟的地区,建筑用材通常被看作是开荒拓野的障碍,而不是宝贵的资源。
- Mining properties, oil and gas reserves, and tracts of standing timber are leading examples of natural resources. 矿场、石油或天然气储备和林区是自然资源的典型例子。
- Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber. 森林面积每年都在增加,林木生长量大于消耗量。
- Tibet now has 6.32 million hectares of forests, of which 22,000 hectares have been planted by people in the region. Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber. 西藏现有森林面积632万公顷,其中人工林面积2.;2万公顷,森林面积每年都在增加,林木生长量大于消耗量。
- Tibet now has 6.32 million hectares of forests,of which 22,000 hectares have been planted by people in the region. Forested areas have been expanding every year,with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber. 西藏现有森林面积632万公顷,其中人工林面积2.;2万公顷,森林面积每年都在增加,林木生长量大于消耗量。
- standing timber; many buildings were still standing. 笔直的木材;许多建筑仍然耸立在那。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- Strengthening the Standardized Management of the Transfer of Standing Timber 应加强对活立木转让的规范管理
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?
- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- Never stand aloof from the masses. 千万不可脱离群众。
- They were standing in the river spearing fish. 他们站在河里叉鱼。
- I can't read while you are standing in my light. 你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。
- He was standing hat in hand before his teacher. 他恭恭敬敬地站在老师面前。
- The taxpayer do not have locus stand in this court. 该纳税人没有在法庭上的陈述权。
- A mountaineer must learn to stand the gaff. 一个登山运动员必须学会吃苦。
- He took a lot of flak for his stand against abortion. 他因坚持反对堕胎而饱受责难。
- He won't stand fur any disobedience. 他不许任何人不服从。