- sociology of education abroad 国外教育社会学
- Sociology of Educational Policy:A New Paradigm? 教育政策社会学:一种新范式?
- Olive Banks (1968), The Sociology of Education, London: Batsford. 林清江(1974);教育社会学;台北:台湾书店.
- The findings appear in the July issue of the journal Sociology of Education. 这个结果刊登在7月的教育社会学期刊上。
- Hallinan, M. T. (ed.) (2000). Handbook of the sociology of education. 张建成(2002)。批判的教育社会学研究。台北:学富。
- Torres, C. A. & Mitchell, T. R. (eds.)(1998). Sociology of education. 黄政杰、李隆盛编(1995)。乡土教育。台北:汉文。
- Brookover, W.A. and Gottlieb, D. (1935), A Sociology of Education, N.Y. 孙得雄(1972);人口问题与家庭计划;台北:幼狮书店.
- Ballantine, J. H. (2001). The sociology of education: A systematic analysis. London: Prentice-Hall. 林义男、王文科(2000)。教育社会学。台北:五南。
- As a keen advocate of education in Canada, Yip Sang also sponsored education abroad in China. 作为一个加拿大教育的热心倡导者,身在国外的阿寿还赞助中国的教育。
- P.Bourdieu (1974), The School as a Conserative Force: Scholastic and Cultural Inequalities, J.Eggleston, Contemporary Research in the Sociology of Education, , London: Methuen. 林清江(1974);从社会观点论增进教学效率之途径;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊;000(000);0000-0000.
- Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., &Horsey, C. S. (1997), From first grade forward: Early foundations of high school dropout, Sociology of Education, 70(), 87-107. 王美娟(2000);青少年中辍相关因素与不良社会适应关联性之研究;中央警察大学犯罪防治研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Third, we will help universities, colleges and business providers of educational products to win in the growing market in English education abroad. 第三,我们将帮助大学、学院和商业企业生产提供多种教育产品,进而赢得日渐增长的海外英语教育市场。
- In terms of research method, sociology of education is facing a predicament, swaying between fact and value, social criticism and social construction, the typological research and holistic research. 长期以来,在研究方法上,教育社会学一直陷于事实研究与想象研究、社会批判与社会建构、类型研究与整体研究的两难困境。
- E.E.Synder (1969), A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between Hogh School Student Valuesm SociaParticipation and Educational-Occupational Achievement, Sociology of Education, XLII(), -. 吴幼妃(1978);我国大学生次级文化之调查分析;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊;020(000);0613-0622.
- Coleman, J. S. (1997). Family, school, and social capital. In L. J. Saha (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the sociology of education (pp. 623-625). Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. 戴晓霞(2001)。全球化及国家/市场关系之转变:高等教育市场化之脉胳分析。教育研究集刊,47,页29-51。
- E.E.Snyder (1973), A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between High School Student Values, Social Paricipation and Educational-occupational Achievement, Sociology of Education, XLVI(), -. 蔡典谟(1977);高中学生次级文化及其在我国教育上的意义;师大教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Rowan, B., Chiang, F.S., &Miller, R.J. (1997), Using Research on Employees ‘ Performance to Study the Effects of Teachers on Students' Achievement., Sociology of Education, 70(), 256-28. 陈镜潭、陈炯彰、黄伟蓉(1994);师院国小师资班结业生角色知觉、任教职志、教学态度、工作满意与教学状况之研究;教育研究资讯;002(003);0071-0088.
- There exists symbiosis relation between the new institutionalism in the sociology of organization and the study of educational organization. 摘要新制度主义组织社会学与教育组织研究存在着相伴相生的关系。
- P.Bourdieu (1974), The School as a Conserative Force: Scholastic and Cultural Inequalities, In J.Eggleston (Eds.), Contemporary Research in the Sociology of Education, , London: Methuen. 林清江(1974);从社会观点论增进教学效率之途径;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊;000(000);0000-0000.