- social cohesiveness model 社会情感模式
- Building social cohesion through education. 通过教育建构社会凝聚力。
- At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly,such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived. However,the message behind it is loud and clear: promoting mutual understanding and enhancing social cohesiveness. 虽然在强调族群融洽的时刻,这么“昭示天下”式的表达方式也许稍嫌刻意,释出的却是明白而且正面的信息:促进彼此的了解,加强社区凝聚力。
- At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly, such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived. However, the message behind it is loud and clear: promoting mutual understanding and enhancing social cohesiveness. 虽然在强调族群融洽的时刻,这么“昭示天下”式的表达方式也许稍嫌刻意,释出的却是明白而且正面的信息:促进彼此的了解,加强社区凝聚力。
- Buildings are run-down, hygiene is poor and there is a lack of social cohesion. 部分建筑物日久失修,卫生欠佳,而居民对社区也缺乏归属感。
- Buildings are run-down,hygiene is poor and there is a lack of social cohesion. 部分建筑物日久失修,卫生欠佳,而居民对社区也缺乏归属感。
- Mr Lim is not only suggesting that we strengthen our economy. He also advocates social cohesion. 有趣的是,林议员不仅强调强化经济,也同时呼吁加强社会凝聚力。
- However, economic development and social cohesion will remain our two pillars for prosperity and stability. 不过,经济发展与社会凝聚力,始终是维持国家繁荣与稳定的两大支柱,而文化事业的推动,正是凝聚社会的重要元素之一。
- Mr Lim is not only suggesting that we strengthen our economy,he also advocates social cohesion. 林议员不仅强调强化经济,也同时呼吁加强社会凝聚力。
- However,economic development and social cohesion will remain our two pillars for prosperity and stability. 不过,经济发展与社会凝聚力,始终是维持国家繁荣与稳定的两大支柱。
- The most intriguing question is how far reformed welfare states ill retain the social cohesion they are designed to produce. 最让人感兴趣的问题是:经过改革的福利制度能在多大程度上保持所希望带来的社会团结?
- I am well aware that the community has aspirations for social cohesion and harmony and further economic growth. 我深深知道,市民普遍期求社会祥和团结、经济持续增长。
- The age of aggression is robbing us of social cohesion, and it's all down to the debating system. 攻击性的时代改变了社会和谐。原因是辩论太多。
- It still believes in solidarity and social cohesion, in small farmers and local markets. 在小农场主和本地市场中,它仍然信仰团结和社会凝聚力。
- In tough economic times, fans of ideology argue, it can help to explain change and maintain social cohesion. 在经济困难时期,意识形态狂们认为,他们的思想可以有助于解释变革,维护社会团结。
- The role and contribution of civil society in development and social cohesion are more and more recognized by the global community. 公民社会在国际社会的发展:国际社会愈来愈重视公民社会在发展以及推动社会融和的角色及贡献。
- "This is something that we should be concerned about if we are to foster social cohesion and avoid any ‘clash of civilizations’," said Woolley. 伍利说:“如果我们希望社会凝聚,希望避免发生文明冲突,我们就必须关注这些事”。
- But the bigger prize is social cohesion and the continuation of a way of life: collective ties stretched by months of wandering are re-established. 但更大的奖赏是社会凝聚力的增强以及一种生活方式的延续:重建经过数月游牧生活而疏远了的集体联系。
- The massive inefficiency of his administration and the galloping inflation promoted by his policies were eroding governmental stability and social cohesion. 政府机构臃肿,效率低下,他的政策又加剧了通货的恶性膨胀,这些都损害着政府的稳定和社会的团结。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。