- slippery slope argument 滑坡论,该论证主张最初就要抵制某种行为或决定,因为假若支持这种行为或决定,今后将导致其它明显本应当抵制的行为或决定
- On the Slippery Slope Arguments and the Application in the Legal Reasoning 滑坡论及其在法律推理中的应用
- A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism. 一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点。
- Critics say the policy is a slippery slope not fit for a democracy. 但是也有批评者表示,这种政策不该存在于一个民主政体之内。
- This has prompted fury, lawsuits and talk of a slippery slope. 这些引起愤怒,诉讼以及对“滑坡”的讨论。
- Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope. 登山运动员可以在靴子上捆上尖钉,这样有助于在很滑的陡坡上站住脚。
- A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism . 一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点.
- Climbers can strap sharp points on(their boots)to help get a foothold on a slippery slope. 登山队员可在靴子上绑上尖状物以利于在打滑的斜坡上得到落脚点。
- Slippery Slope Assumes a chain of cause-effect relationships with very suspect connections. 以非常可疑的联系假定一个因果关系。
- Once you've given in to temptation for the first time you've on the slippery slope. 一旦你经不住第一次诱惑,以后就无法抵制得住。
- Climbers can strap sharp points on (their boots) to help get a foothold on a slippery slope. 登山队员可在靴子上绑上尖状物,以利于在打滑的斜坡上得到落脚点。
- It's the first step down a slippery slope of being manipulated with numbers and overpaying for your vehicle. 这项功能对于多用途跑车特别重要,因为他可以防止滚动翻转。
- Caption :Slippery Slope:A group of hikers walk across the Greenland ice cap near the town of Kulusuk. 描述:光溜溜的斜坡:一队长途跋徒者穿过格陵兰库鲁素克镇附近的冰盖。
- A culture that stands for nothing, defends nothing and believes in nothing is surely careening down the proverbial slippery slope of extinction. 不代表任何观点,不维护任何观念也不相信任何信仰的文化,必然会在众所周知的光滑的灭亡斜坡上一滑而落。
- If they dined or swam or danced together, southern white men feared, they were on a slippery slope towards sleeping together. 如果他们一起进餐,游泳或者跳舞,白人男性就会表现的极为不安,害怕他们有睡在一起的危险。
- Hoping to cash in, the 32-year-old Levchin will push Slide down a potentially slippery slope Monday when he injects advertising into the mix for the first time. 希望得到现金,32岁的抱怨会推滑下一个潜在的滑坡周一当他的广告投放到组合首次。
- His critics retort that warrantless wire-tapping is an invasion of Americans' privacy, and that if you let spooks rough up suspects even a bit, it is a slippery slope to torture. 批评布什的人反驳说说未经许可就窃听电话是对美国人隐私的侵犯,而如果允许情报人员采取稍微严酷的措施,就等于任由他们逐渐过渡到折磨疑犯。
- Some see this as a slippery slope down which “efficiency seems to authorise all imaginable offences against our dear language,” as one educationalist grumbles. 一位教育学家抱怨道:“我们宝贵的语言遭到了侵犯,其影响可以想象,而“追求效率”似乎使这种侵犯有了正当的理由。”
- Ireland's government fears a harmonised base would be a slippery slope to common rates, eventually forcing it to raise its highly competitive corporate tax rate of 12.5%. 爱尔兰政府害怕协调后的税基将会引起共同税率的剧烈的下滑,最终将使其不得不提高该国具有高度竞争性,仅有12.;5%25的公司税率。
- He, in his sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, usually lands on slippery sloped roofs. 他坐在由九头驯鹿拉着的雪橇上,在通常很滑的斜屋顶上降落。