- A silent movie doesn't mean it is motionless. 无声电影并非没有动作。
- Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies. 玛丽·碧克馥是无声电影的明星。
- Read books about black humor, body language, pantomime and silent movie. 阅读黑色幽默,肢体语言,默剧,无声电影的相关书籍。
- I actually like physical acting, so I had fun. It was like making a silent movie. 事实上我很喜欢肢体表演,所以觉得很有劲,感觉上像在拍默片一样。
- Melancholy comes in the way of silent movie, the topic of it, is often to be forgotten during the process. 忧郁像一场无声电影,中途常常忘了它的主题。
- This link has been theorized ever since the first silent movie hero slugged the first silent movie villain. 早在第一位默片英雄击打(教训)第一个默片坏蛋时,这种关联就被理论化了。
- And both enjoyed prolific silent movie careers based on their reputations as charming drunks. 在三十和四十年代,两者的相似是毫无疑问的。
- Cristiano Ronaldo just pouted - he was booked for petulantly kicking the ball into the crowd - and Paul Scholes captains as if in a silent movie. 罗纳尔多由于对裁判使小性子将球踢向观众席而被罚了一张黄牌,看似科尔斯的表演简直就像是在看无声电影一样。
- In other words, it's almost like a silent movie, as most of the dialog completely misses its destination, while Bean stumbles right through the middle. 也就是说,这简直像一部无声电影,因为大多的对话都好似鸡同鸭讲,文不对题,而憨豆正好结结巴巴地从文题之间勉强跌撞而过。
- In passing ostentatious, understood that the camouflage maliciously, has already put behind the sad feeling. all are a silent movie as if, in nobody left theater performance. 在过往的浮华中,懂得了狠狠的伪装,早已忘却了悲伤的感觉。一切仿佛是一场无声的电影, 在空无一人的剧院上演。
- Back home two years ago, far, and on the tree to see the old tree is still as deep-rooted , old branches of the jitter in the wind, like a silent movie as it is desolate . 前年回到故乡,远远的,就看到那棵老槐树,依然是那样盘根错节,枝节遒劲,苍老的枝条在风中抖动着,无声电影一样显得那样哀婉苍凉。
- Made in the style of a silent movie, with Charles Chaplin\'s "City Lights" as the obvious inspiration, "Happy Times" is yet another Zhang film with a remarkable heroine. 所取得的作风,一种无声的电影,与查理卓别林的“城市之光”作为明显的灵感, “快乐时代”是又一张电影与了不起的女英雄。
- The films by Charlie Chaplin were mostly silent movies. 卓别林早期的电影多是默片。
- The comedians of the silent movies can still have an audience rolling about. 那些无声电影中的喜剧明星们仍能把观众逗得捧腹大笑。
- Many of the first silent movies were slapstick comedies because the humor was easy to understand. 许多早期的默片都是笑闹剧,因为当中的幽默简单易懂。
- His career spanned the evolutionary phase of American cinema, appearing in silent movies and "talkies" alike. 他渡过了美国电影史上的革命时期,既出演过默片,也出演过有声电影。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- Do you like to see a movie with me? 你想和我去看电影吗?
- I can not go to the movie--I am up to my eyebrow. 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。
- He ignored his father's injunction to be silent. 他不理睬父亲要他沉默的命令。