- Aflatoxin B_1 (AFB_1) is a highly toxic secondary metabolite produced predominantly by some fungal strains. 黄曲霉毒素B_1(Aflatoxin B_1,AFB_1)是由某些真菌菌株产生的次生代谢产物。
- Patulin is a secondary metabolite produced mainly in rotten parts of apples by a wide range of fungi. 棒曲霉素是由苹果腐烂部位的真菌类产生的次生代谢产物。
- Patulin is a secondary metabolite produced mainly in rotten parts of fruit by a wide range of fungi. 棒曲霉素是由水果腐烂部位的真菌类产生的次生代谢产物。
- The addition of elicitor is a effectual method to improve the production of secondary metabolite in plant cell culture. 在植物细胞培养过程中,添加诱导子是提高植物次生代谢有效的方法之一。
- Based on metabolite analysis, several PAC-1 metabolic pathways in human liver microsomes were proposed. 结论 PAC-1在人肝微粒体系中的代谢途径为脱苄基化和羟基化。
- The accumulation of hormone and temperature could increase the secretion of secondary metabolite. 激素积累和温度都能增加次生代谢物质的分泌。
- The consumer of the secondary metabolite contents might be the main death reason for P.massoniana trees. 这是被害松树针叶枯黄、枝干枯死直至植株枯死的原因之一。
- Therefore the organic solvents were very good permeabilizing reagents, which could enhance obviously secondary metabolite in the twoliquid-phase cultures of plant cells. 因此两液相培养中有机溶剂本身就是很好的产物释放剂。
- Anthocyanidins have been extensively studied, but little is known about the important secondary metabolite betalains, a homologue of anthocyanidins in higher plants. 摘要植物花色素的研究已经非常广泛和深入,但是甜菜素作为类似花色素的一种重要的植物次生代谢物质还不被人们所熟悉。
- Plant celltotipotent is the theoretical basis for plant tissue cultrue producing secondary metabolite and transforming gene plant producing alloprotein. 植物细胞全能性是植物组织培养生产次生代谢产物及转基因植物生产异源蛋白质的理论基础。
- Resveratrol, as secondary metabolite of grape fruits, has the functions of oxidation resistance, heart disease prevention, cancer prevention, blood vessel relaxation, reducing blood fat, platelet aggregation resistance, and mutagenesis resistance etc. 摘要白藜芦醇是葡萄中的次生代谢物,具有抗氧化、预防心脏病和防癌、防血管松弛和降血脂、抗血小板凝集和抗诱变等作用。
- DIMBOA, wheat seedlings, secondary metabolite, root exudates, allelopathy, chemical induction, biological induction, bioassay, resistance to insects and diseases, herbicidal activity, weed. 01丁布;小麦幼苗;次生代谢产物;根分泌物;异株克生;化学诱导;生物诱导;生物测定;抗病虫性;抑草活性;杂草
- As a secondary metabolite, the synthesis of algal toxin may be considered as an inhibition or rejection response toother phytoplanktons in the competition among communities and species. 作为次级代谢产物,藻毒素的产生可能是一种压制或清除其它藻类竞争者的一种反应,在群落演替、种间竞争中发挥重要作用。
- However, during the long-time co-evolution with their hosts, symbionts have more chances to acquire unique traits in their biochemistry, physiology and secondary metabolite production. 本文首先简单介绍了近年共生菌次生代谢产物的结构特点与生物学功能,然后对植物内生菌、昆虫共生菌、海绵共附生菌等重要共生微生物做了重点阐述。
- Sterols are rich secondary metabolites of marine organisms. 海洋生物的代谢产物中含有丰富的甾醇。
- Analysis on the factor influencing secondary metabolite accumulation in plants 植物次生代谢物积累量影响因素分析
- Genetical control of secondary metabolite in plants 植物次生代谢的基因调控
- secondary metabolite products in plants 植物次级产物
- Studies on the Secondary Metabolites of the Soft Coral Lobophyton sp. 中的次生代谢产物研究。
- Analysis of secondary metabolite contents in original and reborn bark of Eucommia ulmoies 杜仲原生皮与再生皮次生代谢物含量分析