- sdau-5D,与穗长相关的QSl.sdau-5D associated spike number/plant, QSl.
- 相关interrelated
- 长long
- 长相关long-range dependence
- 长相关(LRD)long-range dependence (LRD)
- 南疆冬小麦旗叶与穗粒重关系的研究The Relationship Between Flag Leaf and Grain Weigh of Winter Wheat in South Xinjiang
- 相关的interrelated
- 长的full-bottomed
- 穗ear of grain
- 长大grow up
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- 长达extend as long as
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- 相关部门relevant departments
- 长短length
- 不相关off the mark
- 最长longest
- 相关系数related coefficient
- 基蘖肥与穗粒肥配比对两系杂交稻产量的影响Effects of the Ratio of Basal-Tillering to Panicle-spikelet Fertilizers on Grain Yield of Two-line Hybrid Rice
- 长靴boot