- richly earned respect 理应受到的尊敬
- His accomplishments earned respect for him. 他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬。
- Your volunteer work in school is admirable and has earned respect from many of us. 你们在学校的义工工作令人钦佩;已经赢得我们许多人的尊敬.
- How does Switzerland, with one of the highest incomes per capita in the world, earn respect from the international community? 为什么瑞士成为世界上受尊重而人均收入最高之一的国家?
- He has richly earned his title. 他实至名归
- Strength is power among the centaur, and the easiest way to earn respect among centaur is to prove your power. 在半人马之间力量就是权力,并且以这个在半人马之间赢得尊重的最简单的方式来证明你的力量。
- If any man has earned respect over the past 11 years, it's the Undertaker -- and he's determined to make the fans show him some respect. 如果有人能在过去的十二年内获得摔角迷的尊敬,那人铁定是送葬者;如今他下定决心要以行动让当下摔角迷给予他应得的尊重。
- How does Switzerland,with one of the highest incomes per capita in the world,earn respect from the international community? 为什么瑞士成为世界上受尊重而人均收入最高之一的国家?
- Integrity (Yom Chi). Integrity describes how you should interact with others. To be honest and good, earn respect and trust. 廉耻:“廉耻”告诉你应该如何与他人相处。要正直、真诚、随和,这样才能赢得别人的尊重和信任。
- With this faithful quality, he earned respect, and later people always used “pure heart like ice in a jade kettle” to describe noble aspirations and interests. 这种失意之时并不失志的坚贞品德非常令人钦佩,后来人们则经常引用“一片冰心在玉壶”来表示高洁的志趣。
- How does this small country maintain its independence? How does Switzerland,with one of the highest incomes per capita in the world,earn respect from the international community? 为什么一个小国,竟能独立而成为世界上受尊重而人均收入最高之一的国家?
- They suffer the indignities of sleeping in shanties, on sidewalks, on the hoods of their own taxis in order to earn respect in villages they may never revisit. 他们为了赢得或许永远不会再造访的乡亲尊重,得忍受睡在陋屋、人行道、自有计程车车盖的屈辱。
- But not only that, Sonny, he respected your father as no one else respected him and the Godfather has earned respect from everyone. 不仅如此,桑儿你要明白,你爸爸以教父身份赢得了大家的尊敬,可是路加对你爸爸的尊敬超过了所有的人。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- How does this small country maintain its independence? How does Switzerland, with one of the highest incomes per capita in the world, earn respect from the international community? 为什么一个小国,竟能独立而成为世界上受尊重而人均收入最高之一的国家?
- Unix has earned respectability as a platform for enterprise computing,and NT has kept pace with the latest graphical environments. Unix已赢得了作为企业计算平台的声誉。而NT保持着随图形环境发展的势头。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- Unix has earned respectability as a platform for enterprise computing, and NT has kept pace with the latest graphical environments. unix已赢得了作为企业计算平台的声誉。而NT保持着随图形环境发展的势头。
- He richly deserved the punishment he received. 他受到的处罚是罪有应得。
- Unix has earned respectability as a platform for enterprise computing, and NT has kept pace with the graphical environments. 而NT保持着随图形环境发展的势头。