- rich velvets and brocades 华丽的天鹅绒和锦缎
- Heavy fabric such as damask, velvet and brocade were preferred and garments were lavishly trimmed and embroidered.The shirt which was embroidered or decorated with lace bulged out the chest and waist. 男装有些过分华美甚至过多的女性化,常采用花缎、天鹅绒和锦缎等华贵面料,并带有大量镶嵌线和刺绣。
- Te: Of course, except velvet and taffeta, all can be worn. (当然可以了。除了天鹅绒和塔夫绸外,其它料子的衣服都可以穿。)
- Pass your Band over the velvet and feel how soft it is. 用你的手摸摸这天鹅绒,感觉一下它有多柔软。
- A special finish for velvet and satin that produces a high luster. 平绒对丝绒和丝缎的特殊加工处理使之产生平滑的光面
- The Queen's garments resplended in velvet and jewels. 女王衣服上的天鹅绒和宝石闪闪发光。
- It was Mistress Hibbins, who, arrayed in great magnificence, with a triple ruff, a broidered stomacher, a gown of rich velvet, and a gold-headed cane , had come forth to see the procession. 那个人就是西宾斯太太。她套着三层皱领,罩着绣花胸衣,穿着华丽的绒袍,还握着根金头手杖,打扮得富丽堂皇地出来看游行。
- It was Mistress Hibbins, who, arrayed in great magnificence, with a triple ruff, a broidered stomacher, a gown of rich velvet, and a gold-headed cane, had come forth to see the procession. 那个人就是西宾斯太太。 她套着三层皱领,罩着绣花胸衣,穿着华丽的绒袍,还握着根金头手杖,打扮得富丽堂皇地出来看游行。
- A rich man and his daughter are soon parted. 有钱人和他的女儿,是很快就会分开来的。
- STRETCH VELVET AND EMBROIDERY WAIST CINCHER With boning, hook &eye front, lace-up back and removable and adjustable garters. 塑身束腹:活动式吊袜带可取下来,弹性天鹅绒绣花布料,前排扣设计方便穿脱,塑腰设计更显纤腰。
- The women shimmered in claret-coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves, and the young men flaunted black bomber-jackets and flared jeans. 女人们穿着深红色天鹅绒,头戴花格头巾,神采奕奕,而穿着松紧口夹克和阔摆牛仔裤的小伙子们也很招摇。
- How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎样才能缩小贫富之间的差距?
- Mainly products are: velvet and interlock baby romper、velvet children wears and adult knitted leisure garments. 公司的主要产品是:天鹅绒、棉毛婴儿爬装、天鹅绒儿童服装、成人针织休闲装。
- Specializing in the manufacturing of high quality, unique ribbon we also carry many everyday staples such as Double Face Satin, Velvets and Organdy. 公司专业经营品质优良,款式独特的丝带产品。同时,也经营日用产品如双面缎,丝绒,玻璃纱。
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 贫富的鸿沟始终存在。
- Cushions on the sofas come in three varieties: silver weave, velvet and shag pile. 沙发上的靠垫分为三个种类:银色编织靠垫、天鹅绒以及粗绒毛靠垫。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- She's ever such a rich woman and ever so ugly, too. 她是一个非常有钱的女人,并且,也是非常难看的女人。
- The two long white sofas in the living room are covered in velvet and sit on a white shag-pile rug. 客厅内的两张白色长沙发由天鹅绒覆盖,并端坐在粗绒毛地毯上。
- Satin, velvet and pleated leather sashes are knotted or tied into draping or understated bows. 绸缎、天鹅绒和褶裥皮革腰带或在腰间结扣,或系成垂坠或低调蝴蝶结。