- restricted imported waste 限制类进口废物
- A restricted import quota was set for meat products. 肉类产品设定了进口配额。
- In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties. 政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税。
- Guangdong province, in the southeast of china, has been sufficient from problems caused by imported waste electrical goods like computers. 位于中国东南部的广东省因为遭受诸如进口计算机之类的废弃电子商品的困扰而深受其苦。
- Non-tariff barrier: Government measures other than tariffs to restrict imports. 非关税壁垒:政府为限制进口而采取的关税以外的措施。
- The diffculties and treatments in integral hoisting of the import waste heat boiler after the thrdd pieces of equipment be pre-assembled were introduced. 介绍了进口废热锅炉三台单体设备经预组装后,在进行整体吊装组对时存在的技术难点及处理办法。
- Between 1970 and 1973 the U.S. Congress came close to passing two bills that would have greatly restricted imports into the United States. 在1970-1973年间,美国国会几乎要通过两项严格限制美国进口的法案。
- In recent years, Sino-Japanese trade disputes between the two countries, Japan, through various measures to restrict imports of Chinese products. 最近几年来,中日两国贸易争端不断,日本通过采取各种措施限制中国产品的进口。
- China must say no to imported waste 中国必须旗帜鲜明地拒绝洋垃圾
- imported waste and scrap of plastics 进口废塑料
- Companies such as Veolia can potentially secure high margins by importing waste from Europe, where supply of rubbish far overwhelms demand for the use of the recycled product. 威立雅这类企业有可能通过从欧洲进口废品而获得高额利润。在欧洲,垃圾的供给远远超过生产再生产品的需求。
- It is understood that not more than one type of restrictive import measure taken for balance-of-payments purposes may be applied on the same product. 各方理解,对于同一产品不得为国际收支目的而采取一种以上的限制性进口措施。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- It's unlikely that the tire tariff will be the equivalent of the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Act. That law restricted imports and triggered worldwide protectionism, helping deepen the Great Depression. 这段说明了作为在自由贸易中的历史性的领头羊的美国,站起来反对这一历史大势,类似的行动可能会延缓世界经济走向复苏的步伐。
- It is hard for the poor of the world to climb out of poverty when rich countries (as well as the poor ones themselves) restrict imports and subsidize their own farmers and manufacturers. 当富有国家(以及贫穷国家自己)限制进口或补贴自己的农民与制造业时,世界上的贫穷国家便很难脱离贫穷之列。
- China is lambasted for having mercantilist policies that artificially boost exports, depress the Chinese currency, restrict imports and widen America's trade and current-account deficits. 中国因其重商政策横遭指责,称该国人为促进出口、估币值、制进口,并扩大与美国的贸易与经常账户赤字。
- Slop out the waste basins first when you get up. 起床的第一件事是把例盆倒了。
- I restrict myself to smoking two cigarettes a day. 我限定自己每天只抽两支烟。
- Members which have reasons to believe that a restrictive import measure applied by another Member was taken for balance-of-payments purposes may bring the matter to the attention of the Committee. 如成员有理由认为另一成员实施的限制性进口措施是为国际收支目的而采取的,则可提请委员会注意此事项。
- Don't waste time on nonessentials. 不要把时间浪费在枝节事情上。