- resourceful county economy 资源型县城经济
- Non-state owned economy now is a main force in county economy. 摘要民营经济是发展县域经济的主力军,壮大县城经济,就要大力发展民营经济。
- We must develop farm produce processing industry to boost the county economy. 发展农产品加工业,壮大县域经济。
- County economy is the basement and supporting power of national economy. 摘要县域经济是国民经济的重要基础和支撑力量。
- The county economy which is in the basic position in national economy is an important part of the regional economy. 县域经济是区域经济中的一个重要层次,在国民经济处于基础性地位。
- Considered from zone economics, county economy is the economy in county and canton or its economy spatial scale. 从区域经济学看,县域经济是县域行政区间或其经济空间范围内的经济;
- Hubei is comparatively weak in county economy, which constitutes the bottleneck of the problem in the Province. 目前,湖北“三农”问题的“瓶颈”是县域经济弱。
- Local government and market at this stage should organically integrate to attract investment for Harbin county economy. 在现阶段哈尔滨市县域经济运行中地方政府和市场要有机结合才能吸引投资。
- County economy in Jilin Province also has an extremely important position and role. 吉林省县域经济在全省也具有极其重要的地位和作用。
- Xiu Jade Industry was the characteristics industry and a mainstay of the Manchu autonomous county economy. 岫玉产业是我国辽宁省岫岩满族自治县的特色产业和县域经济的支柱产业。
- As one of the birthplaces of rural reforms in China, Deyang shows a vigorously growthing county economy. 幅员面积5954平方公里,总人口383万,是中国重大装备制造业基地,是中国农村改革发源地之一,县域经济发达。
- The county reposes at Na Changshan island, fasten center of entire county economy, politics, culture. 县城座落于南长山岛,系全县经济、政治、文化中心。
- As important base and support strength of national economy, county economy holds the balance in whole economy and society development. 摘要县域经济作为国民经济的重要基础和支撑力量,在整个经济和社会发展中举足轻重。
- The richness as well as optimization of resource structure has direct confinement on the sustained growth of county economy. 摘要资源的丰富程度及资源结构的优化度直接制约着县域经济的长期增长。
- The cause of the slow development of county economy, objectively, is the internal deep-seated contradictions in the development of the county economy. 吉林省县域经济发展缓慢的原因,客观上是县域经济发展中存在的内在深层次矛盾决定的。
- Now, it is State-standard Ecological District, Province-standard Forest Park, Chinese Great Weeping Forsythia Production County and Great Coal Resource County. 是国家级生态示范区、省级森林公园、全国连翘生产第一县和尚无大面积开发的煤炭资源大县。
- Since reform and opening-up, Anhui economy has been lagged behind littoral areas in east China, for which the lag of county economy is the main cause. 改革开放后,安徽经济发展缓慢,与东部沿海地区差距拉大,县域经济发展的滞后是其落后的主要原因之一。
- However,in the present county economy,there exist many restrictive factors,which hamper non-state-operated enterprises’advance in undertaking the secondary pioneering work. 但在县域经济中,民营企业要实现二次创业,完成质的飞跃,仍然存在有诸多的制约因素。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。