He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。
Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
He came to see me with the invariable request for a loan. 他来见我时又提出了他那一贯的借钱的要求。
Her request for a donation met with a rude repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
But Mrs. Reed, a somber and severe woman, ignores this request for the ten miserable years that Jane spends under her roof. 然而,里德太太是个忧郁、严厉的女人,她无视这一请求,简寄其篱下痛苦度日达十年之久。
A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好话为要钱的事打开了门路。
They've made an urgent request for international aid. 他们紧急请求国际援助。