- remote operation mailer 重邮程序
- Stand-alone or remote operation from computer. 独立的或计算机远距离操作。
- ROSE refers to the remote operation service element. ROSE是指“远程操作服务元素”。
- The Babbitt Adjustable Sprocket Rim will provide for remote operation of butterfly valves in high, normally out-of-reach locations. 巴比特合金可调节链轮齿轮圈,可用于位于高处,通常难于接近的蝶阀的远程操作。
- Stem extensions can be furnished to permit remote operation of butterfly valves in any required length. 配备所需长度的阀杆延长件,可以对某个蝶阀进行远程操作。
- Provides extension of the handwheel or nut to aloow remote operation - normally from above. 提供手轮加长件或螺母以允许远程操作-通常是从上方加长。
- This accessory provides extension of the handwheel to allow remote operation - normally from above. 这个附件提供手轮加长件,通常便于在阀门上方进行远程操作。
- This is a Remote Desktop source code, users can adopt the software to connect to remote server, remote operation. 这是一个远程桌面的源代码,用户可以通过该软件连接到远程服务器,实现远程操作。
- In this paper, a typical instance of remote operation method of HP8563E spectrum is presented. The method is based on Lab-Windows/CVI and VISA. 文中通过一个实例介绍利用Lab Windows/CVI软件平台及VISA库函数对HP8563E频谱分析仪进行程控测量的方法。
- It is a master slave system, which consists of a remote operation computer (ROC) and a spacecraft experimental plant body linked computer (BLC). 它是一套由遥操作计算机和航天器实验装置固连计算机所组成的主、从计算机系统 .;航天器实验装置固连计算机基于 VME总线;具有很强的 I/O接口能力;可以承担复杂航天器实验装置的测控接口任务
- It provides a designation about how to realize the transmission function based on FTP protocol and remote operation based on MML. 给出了一个关于如何实现基于FTP协议的传输功能和基于MML的远程操作功能的完整设计。
- Actuation is often desired for process automation, precision timing, and remote operation not possible with manual valves alone. 执行机构经常用于实现紧靠手动阀门无法实现的工艺过程的自动化,准确定时,以及远程操作。
- Manual systems need to be evaluated for safe operation, and automatic remote operation should be considered for silane systems. 手动系统需要进行安全操作的评估,对于硅烷系统应该考虑自动遥控操作。
- The purpose for remote operation is to ensure that personnel are not potentially exposed to silane during the initiation of flow. 遥控操作的目的是在流程开始期间确保人员不会有暴露于硅烷的可能。
- The Adjustable Sprocket Rim will provide for remote operation of gate, globe and angle valves in high, normally out-of-reach locations. 可调链轮齿盘用于远程操作位于高处,或通常难于靠近的闸阀、截止阀和角阀。
- The purpose of this work is to use a single acoustic transducer to perform as a command master, which acts as several signal sources, to control the remote operation vehicle. 本文主要在探讨如何利用简易之水下声学设备来创建一套可靠之水下通讯及遥控装置,以供水下载具使用;再结合网络遥控方法,使得网络的遥控与通讯的架构得以成型。
- The design and implementation principle of protocol card based on COM technology is proposed in view of different remote operation protocol standards in SCADA system. 针对SCADA系统中远动规约标准不统一 ,提出基于COM技术的规约插件的设计与实现原理。
- Results show that design of the dismountable fuel assembly and the hot cell examination facility is reasonable, remote operation is practical inside hot cell. 主要结果是:可拆卸组件及相应热室检验装置的设计合理,热室内远距离操作可行;
- You have successfully configured and installed a remote operating system by using RIS. 现在,您已经用RIS成功配置和安装了远程操作系统。
- And this solution makes the remote operations and the man-free substations possible. 此方案还能实现远方操作,满足变电站无人值班的要求。