- The federal government has addressed environmental or land resource issues largely through its regulatory power. 联邦政府主要通过其制定规章的权力来处理环境和土地资源问题。
- Third, the question may become moot if the agency ultimately decides not to exercise regulatory power over the complaining party. 第三,如果机关最终决定不对申诉的当事人行使管理权力,问题可能变得不切实际。
- It is less clear whether the property clause gives Congress regulatory power over private lands which adjoin public lands. 财产条款是否赋予国会管理临近公共土地的私人土地权力尚不清楚。
- Finally, FIFRA also gives the EPA the power to review those products that were already on the market in 1972 when EPA was given expanded regulatory power. 在FIFRA中最重要的规定是除环保署允许外不得在美国销售新的除草剂和杀虫剂。相似的是,任何希望用新产品的打算必须得到环保署的同意。
- As a result, body building irregular design of the various components of very different pieces of the lozenge became subject to the regulatory power tools. 由于大楼的不规则设计造成楼体各部分的受力有很大差异,这些菱形块就成为了调节受力的工具。
- They devised a new rule book, the Lisbon treaty, to come into force in 2010 and give their union the political heft to match its might as a trading and regulatory power. 因为他们出台了一项在2010年启用的新法案,即里斯本条约。同时,它将给予欧盟政治影响力,以符合该法案在贸易和监管权威方面的能力。
- Both the substantive delegation of regulatory power to the agency and the grant of investigative authority may be drafted in such broad terms that the reviewing court will find it difficult to conclude that the investigation is ultra vires. 对机关管理权力的实体授权以及授予调查权都可能是以广义的措词拟定的,复审法院因而感到难以得出调查属越权行为的结论。
- The imposed space practice and the combination of the ceremonies and laws endow the post Tang Dynasty systems to have regulatory power, legalized into the legitimacy basis of space classification. 三、强制性的空间实践,礼与法的结合,使得唐朝以后的规制具有强制性的规范力量,法治化成为空间等级合法化的依据。
- The government's regulatory powers are provided for under the Road Traffic Ordinance. 《道路交通条例》的有关规定,赋予当局监管交通管理的权力。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- As we shall see, both the federal and state governments possess certain quasi-property rights stemming from their regulatory powers over waterways. 正如大家所见,联邦及州政府都具有一定的管理水道的准财产所有权。
- Undevelopment of the independent water quality regulation system, lack of regulation power. 自来水水质第三方监管体系没有建立,监管缺乏权威性。
- Key words: Reference regulated power supply; arrester;rejecting interference filter;clipping;materials; transient voltage suppresser. :参数电源稳压器;抑制干扰滤波器;接闪器;削波材料;瞬变电压抑制器
- A1 amp, 13V regulated power will help the Sonic sound its best. 3 amps would be even better. See the schematic on the right. 一.;一安培;13伏电源可以帮助特安普声音非常好;三安培将会更好一些;请看下面的电路图
- A 1 amp, 13V regulated power will help the Sonic sound its best. 3 amps would be even better. See the schematic on the right. 一.;一安培;13伏电源可以帮助特安普声音非常好;三安培将会更好一些;请看下面的电路图
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- The main board power regulator supplies the regulated power for the main board, the expansion board and any sensors and effectors, other than servos and motors. 主板力量管理者提供被调控的力量为主板、扩充电路板和所有传感器和动作器, 除伺服机和马达之外。
- Complaint is referred to several regulatory body. 投诉提交给好几个管理机构。
- It is suitable in industrial equipment and instruments、armarium、com-puter network、elevator and the overall regulated power supply in small enterprise. 适用于工业仪器设备、医疗设备、电脑网络、电梯及小型企业全方位稳压供电。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。