Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress;cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. 你要为自己造一艘方舟,用丝柏木做船架,覆盖上芦苇,再在里外两面涂上树脂。
If you both creep down to the reeds and then keep still as statues, maybe the moorhen will come back with her chicks and you can see them close up. 如果你俩轻手轻脚地爬进芦苇丛,一动也不动地趴在那里,也许黑水鸡会带着她的小鸡回来的,这样,你们就可以在离得很近的地方观察这些小动物了。
He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed. 他在紧急关头拆了我的台,成了背信弃义的人。