- A real symmetric matrix A can be expressed as ??. 一个实对称矩阵A能被表示为??。
- In this paper, the concept of positive space of real symmetrical matrix is in-troduced, and the problem on the dimensionality of positive space is discussed. 本文引进实对称阵的正值空间的概念,并讨论正值空间维数方面的问题,由此,给二次型的惯性定理以一种等价的描述。
- Positive Space of Real Symmetrical Matrix 实对称阵的正值空间
- Real Symmetrical Matrix and Orthogonal Basis 实对称矩阵与规范正交基的本质关系研究
- In the discussion of Euclid space ,the matter if n order real symmetric matrix A is positive definite remained important in the theory of matrix . 讨论Euclid空间中n阶实对称矩阵A是否正定,一直是矩阵理论中的重要问题。
- As for computing the largest eigenvalue and its eigenvector of a higher-order real symmetric matrix in the algorithm, the power method is used. 对于算法中涉及的求高阶实对称阵的最大特征值及其特征向量,采用幂法加以实现。
- With this algorithm,the number of eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix in the given interval can be counted,and the eigenvalues of the matrix can be calculated. 该算法可求出实对称矩阵在给定区间内的特征值的个数,并可计算满足精度要求的特征值。
- This paper presents a algorithm for distinguishing a real symmetric matrix into a positive definite, positive semidefinite, negative definite, negative semidefinite or non-definite matrix. 给出判别实对称矩阵为正定、半正定、负定、半负定或不定的一个算法;采用选最大对角元的方法,可使数值计算稳定性好。
- Characteristic Property of Real Symmetrical Matrix and Nonsingular Matrix's F-Norm 实对称阵与实非奇异矩阵F-范数的性质
- A method of estimating the maximum and minimum eigenvalue of real symmetric matrices is given in this article, and its application is also discussed. 摘要本文给出了实对称矩阵最大与最小特徵值的一种估计方法及其应用。
- real symmetrical matrix 实对称矩阵
- If a symmetrical matrix is positive definite, the determinants of all its minors are also positive. 如果对称矩阵是为正定者,它的所有子式的行列式也都是正的。
- Application of Standard Form of Real Symmetric Matrix under the Orthogonal Similarity Transformation 实对称矩阵正交相似变换标准形的应用
- Iterative Block Jacobi-Davidson Method of Real Symmetric Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 实对称矩阵特征值问题的迭代块Jacobi-Davidson方法
- Positive Definite Property of Quadratic Form and Real Symmetric Matrices 二次型与实对称矩阵的正定性
- Realizes with the language C, the way of Jacobi may be serviceable to the solid symmetrical matrix for complete characteristic value and the corresponding characteristic value vector. 用C语言来实现的,雅可法可用于法实对称矩阵的全部特征值与对应的特征值向量。
- real symmetric matrix 实对称矩阵
- This paper is concerned with the problem of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix pencil under spectral restriction. 本文讨论谱约束下实对称半正定矩阵束的最佳逼近问题,指出一般算法。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。