- quenched domain mode 猝灭畴模式
- Most home and small business environments will be Workgroup, and most mid- to large businesses will run in domain mode. 学习的知识越多,对新事物的洞察力将会越准确!这样有助于你巩固已有的 知识,系统地学习新的知识。
- Especially during the technology paradigm-shifting period the unlearning become the domain mode for enterprises to leapfrog the paradigm shifting successfully. 相对于一个技术范式周期内的组织学习研究,忘却学习成为技术范式转变时期组织学习的主导模式。
- In this paper, some rules about the excitation of full wave analysis are given and also the bandwidth for inverse Fourier transfer in calculating impulse responses of time domain modes are discussed. 讨论了全波时域方法求解时域模函数时域响应时激励函数的选取原则 ;讨论了用傅里叶反变换求解时域模函数冲击响应时频带宽度的选取问题 .
- He quenched his thirst with a glass of water. 他喝了一杯水解渴。
- The fire was quenched with a bucket of water. 火被一桶水浇灭了。
- Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Military history is really outside my domain. 我对军队史实在一窍不通。
- Raises the mode of operation for the domain. 提升域的操作模式。
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- Her sarcastic remarks quenched his passion. 她讽刺的话冷却了他的热情。
- He changed his whole mode of life. 他改变了整个生活方式。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- Nothing could quench her longing to return home again. 她重返家园的念头怎么也打消不掉。
- Short skirts are the mode in her school. 短裙是她学校的流行服饰。
- The kitchen is my wife's domain, she doesn't like me going into it. 厨房是我妻子的领地,她不愿让我进去。
- She is not used to the formal mode of address. 她不习惯于这种正式称呼。
- He quenched the fire with water. 他用水将火扑灭。
- The conspirators were banished from the king's domain. 阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土。