- After a long coma the sick man slowly came back. 昏睡了好久以后,那个病人慢慢地恢复了活力。
- pyretic coma 火闭
- Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma. 糖尿病病人; 糖尿病昏迷,
- He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again. 他昏迷了几天,但现在又(完全)清醒了。
- The patient rallied from the coma. 病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。
- After she drank the poison she went into a coma. 她喝下毒药后就昏迷了。
- He went into a coma at 2: 30 in the morning. 他在早晨两点半陷入昏迷。
- He was in a coma for several weeks. 他昏迷了几个星期.
- The patient entered into a deep coma. 病人陷入极度昏迷的状态。
- This helps to bring patients out of coma. 这药可以使病人从昏迷状态中苏醒过来。
- Daddy lingered in a coma for several days. 爸爸昏迷了数日。
- He glanced at Coma's broadcheeked face. 他扫了一眼柯马那宽面颊的脸庞。
- He lapsed into a coma and never recovered. 他陷入昏迷之中,并且永远没有醒过来。
- Coma sat down beside Karen Novotny's body. 柯玛在卡伦 - 诺弗特尼的尸体旁坐了下来。
- Coma Guy: I feel good!... Who are you? 昏迷男人:我感觉还行...你们是谁?
- Doctors said he was in a coma when he arrived. 医生说,他被送来时,就一直处于昏迷状态。
- The patient had slipped into a coma. 病人陷入昏迷状态。
- If you are any lazier, you could slip into coma. 再懒下去,你就变成植物人了。
- She is in a coma and attached to a respirator. 她在昏迷中,还连着个呼吸器。
- She is in coma and attached to a respirator. 她在昏迷中,还戴着呼吸器。