- She's after (ie She wants) a job in publishing. 她正在找一份出版业的工作。
- The publishing house infringed his copyright. 出版社侵犯了他的版权。
- The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter. 该报认为不宜发表我的信。
- He travels for a publishing firm. 他是某出版社的外务员。
- She's absolutely set on publishing as a career. 她决意从事出版事业。
- She chose publishing as a career. 她选择的职业是出版工作。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory. 终于在一六八七年他发表了他的新理论。
- The society publish its list of member annually. 该协会每年出版其会员名单。
- We are planning to set up a publishing house. 我们正打算建立一家出版社。
- She is publishing a history of the war period. 她有一部战争时期的历史著作正在印行。
- I am going to have it revised and publish. 我准备修改一下再出版。
- The publishing house is going to launch out a new journal. 那家出版社准备发行一份新期刊。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 该报纸发布证券交易所每日股票买卖的一览表。
- The transformation of that project has been finished. 那个项目的改造已经完成。
- The magazine publish a short story write by a high school student. 这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。
- There was a noticeable transformation in his appearance. 他的容貌有了明显的变化。
- It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. 加入出版界是很难的。
- Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing. 认真做好出版工作。
- He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house. 他在一家出版社里谋到一个报酬很高的职位。