- Study on Mode of Process Based Organization Structure--A Case from Xerox 基于流程的组织结构模式研究--以施乐公司为案例
- Optimize and improve print process base on cost saving and efficiency up. 基于成本和效率的印刷工艺的优化和改进。
- Therefore, a stepwise process based on the following operational principles is probably the best course of action. 因此,基于下列操作原则之上的渐进式进程可能是最佳的行动过程。
- The dynamic analysis is done on the output from the simulation process based on the output logs or the events. 动态的分析是由基于输出日志或事件的模拟流程的输出过程来完成的。
- Response Action on AIDS Project (RAAP Networks) is a Community Based Organization (CBO) which is set up purposely to train, educate, empower and sensi... 区:尼日利亚-|专业领域:社会工作|行业部门:非盈利|实习开始时间:十一月2009|实习种类暑期实习
- Neuber also provides a 'security rating' for each process based on the average rating by users. 构件也提供一个'安全等级',为每个进程的基础上平均评级由用户。
- The suggested method avoids the phase unwrapped process based on FFT and overcomes the difficulties using iterative methods. 该方法克服了傅立叶分析方法的相位去包裹过程以及迭代算法计算量大的缺点。
- So far, our country custom contrabands nuclear flotsam without discovery, and the smuggling weapon case that concerns with base organization and behavior. 到当前截止,中国国关没发觉走私核废品,以及与基地组合相关的走私军械例子和行动。"
- Meanwhile it also discusses the main control points on production process based on the middle-diameter ERW pipe production. 以中口径高品质ERW焊管生产为例讨论了各生产工序质量控制要点。
- There are two categories of processes based on this concept. 以这一概念为基础的加工工艺有两类。
- Thereafter, an automatic process based on the registry and INF files allows the system to load the right driver. 之后,一个基于记录和INF文件的自动进程允许这个系统装载正确的驱动。
- The method of electrochemical micro process based on scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) is developed. 提出了基于扫描离子电导显微术(SICM)的电化学微细加工方法。
- A parameter control system for electroplating process based on power source was presented. 提出了一个基于电源装备的电镀工艺参数控制系统。
- Select the subprocesses that compose the project's defined process based on historical stability and capability data. 基于对历史的稳定性和能力的数据,选择构成项目的已定义过程的子过程。
- QUICKPOINT grinding is a high-speed "peel grinding" process based on point contact between the grinding wheel and work piece. QUICKPOINT工艺技术是一种在精磨加工范围工序中只以点接触方式进行磨削的高速外圆磨削法。
- However, an RC parameter optimization process based on our formula for the optimal ELO reduction models can greatly improve the above indexes. 通过应用ELO模型化简公式寻找优化RC参数,优化的ELO化简模型可使上述比较指标与原始模型的差异减到相当小的程度,单位阶跃响应和频率响应均有很大改善。
- The ELO (Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth) process based on the growth of Si film over aSiO_2 mask using system of SiCl_4/H_2/Br_2 has been in vestigated. 本文研究了在常压外延系统中;利用 SiCl_4/H_2/Br_2体系在SiO_2上外延横向生长(ELO)单晶硅技术.
- Abstract A method for the preparation of silicon nitride powder by a direct nitridation process based on fluidization technology is described. 摘要 提出了一种基于流态化技术,利用硅粉直接氮化制备氮化硅粉的新工艺。
- This paper introduces the principle in 3D Stepover of milling manufacturing process based on UG and discusses its application in surface milling. 阐述了基于UG铣加工过程3D跨距的原理,探讨其在曲面铣削中的应用。
- Because health promoters are community members themselves, they are able to be the liaison between AAHI and different community or faith based organizations. 因为健康促进员本身为社区的成员可联系AAHI和不同的社区或组织型活动。