- prestress loses value 预应力损失值
- In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies lose value. 在极多的免费复制的方式下,拷贝失去了原有价值。
- The valuable gifts lose value when givers are hokey. 2如果送礼的人不是出于真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值。
- To learn that even though the word "love" has many diffierent meanings, it loses value when it is overstand. 去学习尽管爱这个字含义很广,滥用这个字会失去她的价值;
- To learn that even though the word "love" has many different meanings, it loses value when it is overstated. 去学习爱字含义很广,滥用字会失去她的价值;
- The speed with which an option loses value is called time decay, which becomes steeper as the expiration nears. 期权失去价值的速度叫时间衰减,越接近到期日,衰减越快。
- To learn that even though the word "love" has many different meanings, it loses value when it is overstated. 去学习尽管爱这个字含义很广,滥用这个字会失去她的价值;
- The Dow recovered more than half of that lost value on Tuesday. 星期二这一指数回升,收复前一天跌幅的一半以上。
- If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock. 如果股份失去价值,投资者可能会失去他们买入股票的所有资金。
- I realize that option contracts trade at premiums that will lose value as the expiration date approaches. 我知道,具有权利金交易的期权合约,将随著到期日的临近而贬值。
- CPRF: Is the rebirth of lost values! 少数人深陷在财富和辉煌,但是大多数人希望大家一起共同享受富裕美好的生活。
- As those loans and securities lose value, they are saddling the banks with losses and constricting their ability to lend. 由于这些不良贷款和有毒证券丧失了价值,它们使银行业蒙受了损失,并抑制了各银行对外放贷的能力。
- Robert Kiyosaki calls the things that will lose value "Doo Dads" Doo Dads can be a luxury car, a boat, jewelry, expensive clothes and so on. 看她那愤怒的样子,我只好说:好吧!是你自己动手还是我帮你?”她回答:“你帮我吧!”
- Now, those loans have become more costly , as local currencies have lost value. 现在,由于当地货币的贬值,那些贷款变得更昂贵了。
- When the renminbi revalue,the export-oriented line of business will lose value by exchange of Renminbi receipts and decreasement of export. 人民币升值时,出口导向型行业将会遭受出口收入转化为人民币时的汇兑损失,以及由于出口量减少造成的损失。
- Plato says: love to only show precious, many people do not understand. Only to lose value has to see, actually the most familiar is the most precious. 柏拉图说:爱到分才显珍贵,很多人都不懂珍惜拥有.;只到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最珍贵的
- He loses his footing on the wet floor and fall. 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而摔倒了。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- One loses oneself easily in such a big city. 在这样的大城市里很容易迷路。