- The training teacher, whois required a very high morality standard and adept technology capability, is the organizer and executor of the practical training course. 摘要实训教师是实践教学的组织者和实施者,要有很高的道德水准和娴熟的技术能力。
- practice training teacher 实训教师
- 3. The training teacher, whois required a very high morality standard and adept technology capability, is the organizer and executor of the practical training course. 反思不仅是沟通教育理论与实践行为的桥梁,更为重要的是它使一个教师从技术的奴役者演进成教育“思想者”,引导教师走向解放与专业自主的大道。收藏指正
- Fifthly, using more ways to train teachers. 第五要以多种方式培训教师;
- The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living. 一般的学校不可能提供很多实际的生活锻练。
- The trained teacher managed the children with skill. 这位训练有素的教师很熟练地管理儿童们。
- The construction of intramural and out-college practice training base is the guarantee of training professional personnel. 校内外实践教学基地的建设,是人才培养的保证。
- To develop and compile practical training materials and handbooks. 开发和编写实用性教材和手册;
- Sep. 2004, received the prize of an excellent teacher, went to Dalian join to training teacher of east-northen three province. 2004年9月,吉林市公开课被评为优秀教师,到大连参加东三省师训。
- The game is introduced: Is Cupid born Cupid?, he until diligent practice train, become Cupid to bring to mankind the love quite. 游戏介绍:爱神丘比特天生是爱神吗?不是的哦,他是经过相当刻苦的实习训练才成为给人类带来爱情的爱神的。
- An advanced student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training. 实习生接受有指导性实践训练的高年级学生或新毕业的学生
- The clinical practice training is a bridge curriculum between classroom teaching and clinical clerkship,which emphasizes basic clinical technique skills for medical students. “临床实训”是介于医学理论授课与临床实习之间的桥梁课程,重点加强医学生基本技能训练。
- The clinical practice training is a bridge curriculum between classroom teaching and clinical clerkship, which emphasizes basic clinical technique skills for medical students. “临床实训”是介于医学理论授课与临东实习之间的桥梁课程,重点加强医学生基本技能训练。
- Abstract Microteaching, as a modern method to train teachers, has been formed to be a certain teaching model with the long-term teaching practice and research. 微格教学作为一种的师资培训方法,在长期的教学实践和研究中已经历练形成了一定的教学模式。
- The empirical research on the construction of demonstration project is also carried out.And based on the campus net, the practice training software system in com... 对示范项目的建设与应用进行实证性研究,开发基于校园网的竞争情报教学实习管理系统,将示范项目解析、理论学习、课程实习管理有机地结合起来。
- The law firm which accepts a Taiwan resident as intern shall assign a lawyer who is good at handling the relevant business to give instructions in practice training. 接收台湾居民实习的律师事务所应当指派擅长办理相关业务的律师指导实务训练。
- Applicant must be a trained teacher OR trainee teacher OR possess at least a General Degree. 申请者必须是名受过训练的教师或受训教师或拥有大学学位。
- The game is introduced: Is Cupid born Cupid? , he until diligent practice train, become Cupid to bring to mankind the love quite. 游戏介绍:爱神丘比特天生是爱神吗?不是的哦,他是经过相当刻苦的实习训练才成为给人类带来爱情的爱神的。
- The ordinary day school can' t give much practical training for living. 一般的走读学校不可能提供很多实际的生活锻炼。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。