- power status object 电源状态对象
- The power status of the system is unknown. 系统的电源状态未知。
- You can design your application to react to any power status change. 可以将应用程序设计为对所有电源状态更改都起反应。
- The GetSystemPowerStatus function retrieves the power status of the system. 获得与当前系统电源状态有关的信息。
- All players seeking to achieve or keep Great Power status must industrialize. 所有希望获得或保持强国地位GreatPower的玩家都必须进行工业化。
- In this technology-dominated age, relapsing into isolation would mean both poverty and an end to dreams of great power status. 在这个以技术为主导的时代,重新回到孤立状态将意味着贫穷和大国地位梦想的破灭。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the service can handle notifications of computer power status changes. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示服务是否可以处理计算机电源状态更改通知。
- A change in the power status of the computer is detected, such as a switch from battery power to A C. 检测到计算机电源状态的更改,如从电池电源切换到交流电源。
- Your applications can monitor the power status of a computer and take action when a status change occurs. 应用程序可以监视计算机的电源状态,并在发生状态更改时采取措施。
- Its more recalcitrant neighbour India, also aspiring to great power status, should take note. 同样有志成为全球强国的印度,对此应该注意。迄今印度的立场更为顽固。
- The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seenas marking China's ascendance into world power status. 2008年北京奥运会灿烂的烟火,被视为是庆祝中国成为世界强国的礼花。
- The power status of the US offers the US Congress the privilege to treat the UN with instrumentalism attitude. 美国的实力地位赋予美国国会以工具主义态度看待联合国的特权。
- In this technology-dominated age,relapsing into isolation would mean both poverty and an end to dreams of great power status. 在这个以技术为主导的时代,重新回到孤立状态将意味着贫穷和大国地位梦想的破灭。
- Event is raised when the user suspends or resumes the operating system, or when a system power status notification occurs. 当用户挂起或恢复使用操作系统时,或者当出现系统电源状态通知时,会引发。
- Gaullism had fully reflected the great aspiration of pursuing great power status in the nationalism tradition of France. 戴高乐主义充分反映了法兰西民族主义传统中追求大国地位的伟大抱负,是法兰西民族主义在政治上的集中体现。
- Especially in the reunification of Germany in 1990, the Government is committed to the revitalization of German Chancellor Helmut great power status. 特别是在1990年德国实现统一之后,科尔政府致力于重振德国大国地位。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- A system power status notification can occur when a weak or charging power source is detected, or when a transition from AC or battery power source occurs. 事件。会在以下情形下出现系统电源状态通知:当系统检测到电源不足或正在充电时,或者当交流电源和直流电源之间相互转换时。
- The Power Status is displayed. 功率状态显示出来.
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。