- Power capacity expansion to slow from 2008. 发电量扩大从2008年开始放缓.
- Electric-field intensity acting on dielectric and the operation temperature of dielectric are the main factors stressing on the power capac itors. 影响电力电容器的使用寿命的主要因素即作用在介质上的电场强度和介质的运行温度。
- Since the high power factor is 99% or higher (at rated load), the power capacity can be greatly reduced. 由于高功率因数是99%25以上(额定负荷),电力容量可大为减少。
- General unit of small power capacity ought be powered by local LV system. 小负荷的一般用电单位应该纳入地区低压电网。
- In 2006 and 2007 newly installed wind power capacity totaled 3.05 gigawatt, growing by 148% on average annually. 2006和2007年风电新增装机305万千瓦,年均增长148%25;
- Because the coaxial structure can broaden the bandwidth, they might be one type SWS of the high power capacity and the middle bandwidth . 其有别于普通膜片加载波导的同轴结构,使得带宽得以拓展,因此很可能成为一类同时满足高功率容量和宽带要求的慢波结构。
- Price Remark: Excluding frame, electricity fee, spotlights, installation, Maintenance, Insurance and power capacity ncrease fee; Exclusive of display material. 价格备注:包射灯,电费,安装,维修,保修,保险及增容费;不包画面制作。
- Under the pressure of 59MPa the d_(33) value of material PZT-5H32 is twice as the nominal value. This benefits the increase of generating power capacity. PZT-5H32压电材料在59MPa压力作用下的d_(33)较给定的额定值增大一倍以上,这对提高引信多层压电电源的发电能力是有利的。
- The impactor can regulate system pressure according to different objectives,so the purpose to reduce power capacity of original machine,such as excavator,is realized. 该冲击器可针对不同作业对象来调节系统压力,从而实现降低主机(如挖掘机等)装机容量的目的。
- The dissertation proposes a speed-adjusting controller which applied to a large power capacity rare earth permanent magnet sensorless brushless DC motor (SLBLDCM). 本论文主要研究用于鱼雷推进系统的大功率稀土永磁无位置传感器无刷直流电动机(SLBLDCM)的调速控制器。
- An energy advisor to the Confederation of Indian Industry, V. Raghuraman, says the current power capacity generation is about 14 percent short of demand. 印度工业联盟的能源顾问拉格拉曼说,目前印度的发电量短缺程度高达14%25。
- Abstract The new compact technology of extrahigh voltage transmission-line was analyzed and adopted to improve the power capacity per unit corridor area of transmitting lines. 文 摘 研究了如何利用超高压输电线路紧凑化新技术,来提高输电线路单位走廊面积传输的电力容量。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- The total controllable installed capacity reached44450 MW, including397880 MW thermal,4050 MW hydro, and618 MW wind power capacity with the rate of89.49%,9.12%, and1.39% respectively. 集团公司可控装机容量为4445万千瓦,其中,火电装机容量3978万千瓦,占89.;49%25水电装机容量405万千瓦,占9
- These units do not store large amount of energy but the power capacity should be considerable. A medium SMES example is the one installed in Tacoma, Rogers et.al. (1) and Boing et.al. (2). 其所储存能量并不大,但应有相当的功率容量,安装于Tacoma (见参考文献1)和boeing (见参考文献2)的SMES就是中型SMES的例子。
- With the number of FM broadcast pograms increased, the power capacity ofexisting FM antenna-feeder system in various regions, particularly in large and middle-sized cities cannot meet the requirements of development. 随着调频广播的发展,天馈线系统扩容与发射塔的天线安装空间有限的矛盾,成了制约调频广播发展的突出问题。
- Employ image scrolling or animation to even out the lit-on time of each and every pixel on the display,also could use sleeping mode for reduced the residual image and extend the power capacity. 图像卷动或动画甚至那发亮-准时每个而且在展览上的每个图素,也可以使用睡着的模态作为被减少的剩余描绘而且扩充力量能力。
- The technology of powder production has the advantages of numerous varieties, good quality,powerful capacity,lower consumption,safety and reliability. 其制粉技术具有品种多、质量好、生产能力大、消耗低的优点,而且还具有一定的安全可靠性。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。