- police leadership skill 公安领导艺术
- Strong leadership skill and supervisor skill. 具有领导能力和管理能力。
- Strong leadership skill while po e ing a great team irit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
- Logistic process management skill and leadership skill. 物流流程管理及领导技能。
- Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
- Strong leadership skill while possessing a outstanding team spirit. 有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。
- Strong leadership skill and capable be a team builder as well as teamworker. 具有领导能力以及团队合作精神。
- I have strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 我有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。
- How to enhance your leadership skill and manage the group during meetings. 怎样提高你的领导才能在会议中成功地带领队员。
- The leadership skill allows your group to use collective emotes, and to get some benefit from them. 你的指挥技能可以允许你的队伍使用团队表情,并且从中获益。
- Can we have group emotes, during wars for instance? The leadership skill allows your group to use collective emotes, and to get some benefit from them. 我们是否可以使用团队表情,比如在战争中?你的指挥技能可以允许你的队伍使用团队表情,并且从中获益。
- Do you exhibit strong leadership skills in group activities? 你是否在集体活动中表现出很强的领导能力。
- Good Organisation Skills, Negotiation Skills and Leadership Skills. 具备良好的组织、协调及领导技能;
- So teamwork not only increased my career capacity in design theory and technology, but also exercised my leadership skill, which would be applied in other aspects. 因此团队合作不仅在理论和技术设计方面增长了我的职业能力,也锻炼了我的领导才能,这将在其他各方面得以应用。
- Polish your leadership skills so you can put together a team that gets results! 增强你的领导技巧并把你的团队变得无懈可击!
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Public speaking boosts your self -confidence and promotes your leadership skills. 在公共场合讲话可以增强你的自信和提高你的领导能力。
- Unlike vitamins,though,leadership skills can't be easily gulped down. They must be carefully cultivated. 但是,领导技能不像维它命那样极易吞咽,它们需要精心培养。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。