- plant physiological ecology 植物生理生态
- Physiological ecology focuses on the relationships Between individual organisms and the physical and chemical features of their environment. 生理生态学的重点在研究生物个体与其环境的物理、化学特征之间的关系。
- The species of the genus Plantago were widely applied in the studies of theoretic ecology, physiological ecology and evolutionary biology in the world. 摘要车前属植物是理论生态学、生理生态学、进化生物学研究的理想材料。
- Plant physiological response to salt and transgenic research was discussed in osmoregulation such as proline, trehalose, betaine, inositol. 概述水稻的渗透调节物质如脯氨酸、海藻糖、甜菜碱、糖醇类等对盐胁迫的生理反应及转基因研究;
- Xu Daquan:Professor,Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,CAS,Shanghai,200032. 许大全:研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,上海200032。
- Our faculty's specializations range from bioinformatics, ecology, molecular structure, molecular biology, molecular evolution, to plant physiology. 师资专长领域涵盖生物资讯、结构生物、分子生物、分子演化与植物生理,提供多样性的课程供同学选择。
- The course covers productivity and biogeochemical cycles in ecosystems, trophic dynamics, community structure and stability, competition and predation, evolution and natural selection, population growth and physiological ecology. 课程包含生态系之生产力与生物地质化学循环、营养动力学、群落结构与稳定性、竞争与捕食、演化与天择、族群成长,及生理生态学。
- Extensin is the glycoprotein existing widely in plant cell walls.It has special molecular structure and plant physiological functions. 伸展蛋白是广泛存在于植物细胞壁中的一类糖蛋白,它具有特征性的化学结构并在植物细胞壁中发挥着重要的生理功能。
- AbstractEcological adaptive strategy of four species Rhododendron inEastern QilianMountains was studied systematically by the morphology, lifehistory, verticaldistribution of populations and physiological ecology. 本研究从形态、生活史、种群垂直分布对策、生理生态等几个方面对东祁连山几种高寒杜鹃的生态适应对策进行了系统地研究。
- Physiological ecology studies in individual and population levels approved that the physiological characteristics had be obviously divergent adaptive differentiation with genetical qualities. Two ecotypes had some capacity of adaptation. 在种群特征、年龄结构、繁殖规律、有性生殖特性、构件生长规律等种群生态学研究中,两个生态型之间差异不明显,在不同生境间数量上的大小变化主要是对不同生境生态适应的结果,属于生态可塑性的范围之内,种群在生存与发展上采取了相同的策略。
- Test paper on plant physiology and analysis on testing. 数字化期刊。植物生理学试卷和考试成绩分析。
- Karamer, Paul Jackson (1904- ): American plant physiologist. 克莱默:美国植物生理学家。
- The studies on root exduation and their physiological ecology roles were summarized, with emphasis on relationship between root exudation and nutrient deficiency and rhizosphere microorganisms. 摘要综述了根系分泌物对植物生长的生理生态学效应,并就根系分泌物的定义、产生机制、组成成分和影响因素等方面进行了讨论。
- Progress Research on the Plant Photosynthetic Physiological Ecology 植物光合生理生态学研究进展
- BRs, by regulating many plant physiological responses such as: promoting growth, enhancing plant resistance to environment stress, delaying senescence, promoting cellre-diiferentiation and so on, are essential for plant growth and development. BRs参与植物生理过程的许多方面,对植物的生长发育具有多种生理功能,如:促进生长、增加植物的抗逆性、延缓衰老、促进细胞的再分化等等。
- Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal 水生动物生理生态学
- Physiological Ecology of Amniotic Eggs 羊膜卵的生理生态学
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The updated advances in aspects of functional genomics, evolution, adaption and plant physiology of Physcomitrella patens are introduced and reviewed. 该文主要综述了有关小立碗藓在功能基因组学、进化和适应性及植物生理等方面最新的研究进展。
- Plant physiology experiments are large and complicated, but class hours are limited. 摘要植物生理学实验课数量多,内容复杂,但学时有限。