pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus (instead of the upper part); can cause bleeding late in pregnancy; delivery by cesarean section may be necessary
placenta previa的用法和样例:
Here, we present two cases of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa which were successfully treated with gauze packing thus avoiding a hysterectomy. 在此我们以纱布卷填充子宫的方式治疗前置胎盘个案于生产后发生子宫收缩不良之产后大出血,希望能提供产后大出血的另一种治疗之选择。
Multidot injecting attenuat vasopressin in submuce as soon as possible is one of the effective methods in controlling postpartum bleeding caesarean section with placenta previa. 前置胎盘剖宫产术中出血尽快使用稀释的垂体后叶素粘膜下多点注射止血是有效的方法之一。