This motion can be used to run a lathe or some other machine. 这种旋转运动可用来开动车床或其他机器。
In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation. 在旋转运动中的角动量产生的方式与平移运动中的线动量的产生是基本相似的。
Similar cyclic stresses may have occurred due to wind-induced swaying motion during storage. 同样在存放时由风力引起的横向摆动也可以产生类似的循环应力。
Impulsion may be recognized by the freely swinging back and the participation of all the joints in the forward motion. 自由摆动的背部和身体所有关节都参与向前的运动是动力的表现。