- peer to peer calculating 对等计算
- If you share some files via eMule, a 'Peer to Peer plant' is grown, and so on. 每种被软件检测到的协议都会被种植上植物;比如你访问一个网页;那么"http植物"就会被种植.
- On the General tab, look for either Peer to Peer Trust or 在“常规”选项卡上;查找“对等信任”或“1.;3
- We also develop a peer to peer based live video streaming system to prove and demonstrate the concepts of our results. 我们还设计实现了基于对等网络结构的大规模互联网视频实时直播系统。
- ITAA offers a wide assortment of public policy, business development and peer to peer networking programs. ITAA提供宽阔的分类公众的政策并且凝视凝视,商业发展网络程序。
- Using the peer to peer protocol establish the signal transmition between the two systems and system commissioning. 用装置对装置协议实现两个系统之间的信号传送和系统调试过程。
- This paper raise a management system of science documentbase on "peer to peer"(equal compute) technology. The system has a predominance by dint of p2p. 本文提出了一个基于P2P技术(Peer-to-Peer,对等计算)的科技文献管理系统。
- Bbcp a secure peer to peer file copy program supporting large windows and multiple streams. See also the presentation and the PDF paper. 一个安全的对等文件复制程序,支持大窗口和多次流。参阅介绍及PDF文件。
- Students will be encouraged to ask questions and to share what they have learned with their friends on a peer to peer basis. 我们鼓励学生提出问题及分享他们从他们友辈中所得到的经验。
- The P2P network has been widely used in distributed computing systems,and the information systems in the digital city is essentially peer to peer. 对等网技术(P2P)已经在分布式计算系统中获得了广泛的应用,数字城市中的服务本质上也是对等的。
- With the development of a new popular net model called P2P (peer to peer), the bottleneck problem of bandwidth has been solved. 由于P2P网络技术的日渐成熟,有效解决了网络带宽的瓶颈问题。
- Some people are blaming Peer to Peer as the source of the pain. But most RTS's use some form of P2P. What makes Demigod different? 有些人指责采取P2P的对等网模式是这个痛苦的源泉。但是,大多数即时战略游戏都是采取了某种形式的P2P网络。是什么让半神变得如此不同?
- Finally, we develop a parallelization searching prime application program in peer to peer JXTA network environment in order to test this solution's performance. 最后用一个具有任务无相关性并行计算素数检索程序检验该并行任务分配策略的性能。
- P2P(Peer to Peer) is recently crowned as one of the key technologies in the next revolution of Internet. In the research of P2P network, JXTA(juxtapose),an absolutely new solution to P2P, has attracted more attention. 对等网络P2P (PeertoPeer)是因特网实现下一次飞跃的关键 ,在P2P网络模式的研究领域里 ,JXTA (juxtapose ,并行 )作为一种全新的P2P网络解决方案已经日益受到业界的关注。
- Kennicott stooped to peer through the windows. 肯尼科特弯下身来,往窗外看了一眼。
- Based on MC35 module, this design realizes the GPRS function and the communication of peer to peer through embedding PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol),TCP/IP(Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) in SCM(Single Chip Micyoco). 在MC35模块的基础上 ,通过在单片机系统中嵌入PPP ,TCP/IP ,实现了端到端的GPRS分组业务功能。
- Further, it has distributed over millions of desktop computers locating on the edge of grid. This trend for distributed computing is obviously reflected in two rapid growing research areas: Grid Computing and Peer to Peer Computing. 分布式计算的这一转变趋势明显地体现在两个快速发展的研究领域中:网格计算(Grid Computing)和对等计算(Peer to Peer Computing)。
- The typical peer to peer telecontrol protocol DNP 3.0 is analyzed on the real time performance of data transmission , the transparency of layered function and the scientificity of frame format definition. 分析了典型对等式远动规约DNP 3.;0规约中数据传输的实时性、分层功能的透明性以及帧格式定义的科学性;
- FREE package of casino games to be played online or offline, for FREE or real money in LIVE and PEER to PEER, and where you can choose to BECOME the CROUPIER, to be the dealer of YOUR OWN table. 免费的一揽子赌场游戏将要发挥的线上或离线,免费或真正的金钱在生活和对等网,并在您可以选择成为croupier ,成为经销商自己的表。
- Peer to Peer computing change the point-to-point communication from the client/server architecture to the interconnection of peers. 对等(Peer to Peer)技术将点到点(Point to Point)的通信从主从式(client/Server)结构进一步转变为对等体间的连接。