- The H chain and L chain gene of anti_HBsAg fab were connected to construct single_chain fab gene using overlap PCR techniques. 采用重叠PCR技术 ,以抗乙肝表面抗原 (HBsAg)IgG铰链区基因为Linker将Fab抗体基因的重链和轻链连接起来 ,构成单链Fab基因。
- Methods: The gene fragment encoding the Z domain of Protein A(Protein A-Z) was generated by Overlap PCR amplification, and was cloned into TA-cloning vector pMD-18T. 方法:应用Overlap PCR的方法制备Protein A的Z结构域(Protein A-Z),克隆于pMD-18T载体构建PA-Z/pMD-18T重组质粒。
- By designing four primers for an overlapping PCR, we created a fusion gene Ddl cat encoding human TNF receptor I death domain and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase(CAT). 通过设计4个引物进行重叠(overlapping)PCR,由此克隆了人肿瘤坏死因子受体I死亡域(deathdomain)与氯霉素乙酰转移酶(CAT)的融合蛋白基因(DdLcat)。
- Keywords Lagurus lagurus;zona pellucida 3;overlap PCR;codon optimization;prokaryotic expression; 草原兔尾鼠;卵透明带3;重叠PCR;密码子优化;原核表达;
- There is no question of overlap between the two courses. 这两门课程之间不存在重叠的问题。
- There is a small overlap between the two circles. 在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。
- Keywords Immunotoxin;Overlapping PCR;Prokaryotic expression; 免疫毒素;链重叠PCR;原核表达;
- overlap PCR 重叠PCR
- The two storage rings overlap closely. 两个储存环节紧密重合。
- The roofing slates were laid to overlap each other. 石板屋瓦是相叠着放置的。
- Sometimes physics and chemistry overlap. 有时很难区分出究竟是物理学还是化学。
- The ends of cloth overlap the bed. 床罩布的各端都从床边垂下。
- The PCR detection of karnal bunt of wheat. 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌PCR检测。
- Our concern and theirs substantially overlap. 我们的利害关系和他们的大致相合。
- The size of the amplified PCR product was 822 bp. PCR扩增片段大小为822bp,最小检测量为1080个HPs。
- Anticipation, Arcs and Overlap Oh My! 预备动作,弧线和交迭,哦!我的天啊!
- The ermA and ermC genes were amplified by PCR. PCR检测与诱导型克林霉素耐药相关的ermA、ermC基因。
- To lie partly on or over something; overlap. 折叠,部分重叠部分地位于某物之上;重叠
- G-LCR detected ten-fold EBs than PCR. G -LCR较PCR敏感 10倍 ;
- Analyse the genotype of the target genes using PCR. 聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增目的基因进行基因型分析。