- Benefit stream A succession of benefits over several years. 连续效益指在若干年内连续取得效益。
- A romance extending over several years was culminated. 一场数年之久的恋爱就此圆满告终。
- He felt reborn after being reformed in prison over several years. 在监狱改造多年,他觉得自己得到了重生。
- It is also nearly impossible for new vendors to compete with legacy application suites that have grown and evolved over several years. 对新的供应商来说几乎是不可能与已经增长,并发展了好几年的一批传统应用程序相竞争。
- Other than work, tell me about an activity you've remained interested in over several years. 除了工作之外,有没有坚持参加长达几年的活动?
- JSF is the result of lessons learned over several years of evolving Web development techniques on the Java platform. JSF是几年前学过的在Java平台上改进Web开发技术的课程的结果。
- It also threatens to disrupt the repatriation of hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign earnings built up over several years. 它也使过去几年里积累起来的数千亿美元海外利润回流美国的过程有被中断的风险。
- Habitual tea drinking over several years preserves bone density in both men and women. 多年的饮茶习惯能够保持男性和女性的骨密度。
- A large barchan (crescent-shaped) dune, in a region where some dunes have been observed shrinking over several years. 大型新月形(月牙形)沙丘在一个地区,那里的一些沙丘已经观察几年缩小。
- As a result, Mr Cagan's estimate of $326 billion of repossessed mortgages translates into roughly $112 billion of losses, spread over several years. 结果是在几年内,Cagan估计的3260亿美元被收回的贷款会转变成大约1120亿美元的损失。
- "By watching the outburst over several years, I was able to follow the brightness and see the evolution of the flare over time," Madrid said. “通过几年间对爆发的观测,我能够随着亮度的变化看到整个过去时间内光亮变化的演化过程,”马德里说。
- The usual caveats apply: the proposed $6bn stimulus package and other spending will stretch over several years and include projects already on the table. 越南采用了常规的做法:拟议的60亿美元刺激方案和其它支出将延续几年,而且包括已提出的项目。
- It was usual practice for stowaways to make only a downpayment before setting off, with the rest of the loan to be repaid over several years by working illegally in the US. 偷渡人士通常会先付订金,到了美国后再做非法劳工来偿还余数。
- Yet over several years until mid-2007, their currencies perversely rose relative to those of economies, such as Japan and Switzerland, with big surpluses. 然而几年过去了,到07年中期,他们的货币相对于对日本、瑞士等经常项目大量盈余国家的货币反而升值。
- Rep.Frank is looking at whether to create an analog to the Resolution Trust Corp., which took assets from failed banks and thrifts and found buyers over several years. 他在评判是否需要建立一个类似清债信托公司的机构,这个公司几年来一直从破产的银行、储蓄机构、基金购买者手中获得资产。
- World-wide leading French br for its wine-based aperitif.Born in Paris in 1846, Dubonnet results from the alliance of wines from the south of France, with spices plants matured over several years. 她创于1846年的杜本内是世界领先的法国葡萄酒类开胃酒品牌;选用法国南部的葡萄和香料及植物一起酝酿经年;品质独一无二.
- For those companies that have made inroads over several years, the Games represented a moment for people worldwide to wake up to the potential of China as a business and leisure destination. 对于那些几年来已进入中国的公司而言,北京奥运会就是这样一个市口:全世界的人民都将意识到,中国作为商务和休闲目的地具有巨大的潜力。
- But it will consist overwhelmingly of the dodgy bits of the investment bank (such as its leveraged-loan and property activities), which will probably be wound up over several years. 但是其由高风险部份组成的投行(例如扛杆贷款及产权业务),可能将在几年结束。
- His interests now spread over several subjects. 他的兴趣现已涉及到好几门学科。
- For several years his theory held the field. 几年来他的理论一直保持着权威地位。