- output per manshift 工班劳动生产率
- overall output per manshift 每班产量
- The output per day is over 10,000 tons. 日产过万吨。
- Average grain output per mu has reached 1,300 jin. 平均亩产量达到了1,300斤。
- Average grain output per mu has reached 1300 jin. 平均亩产量达到了1300斤。
- Productivity A measure of the amount of output per unit of input. 每单位投入可得的生产量。
- In2006, admittedly, Europe's output per hour grew faster than America's. 诚然,2006年欧洲每小时产量的增长要快于美国。
- For the whole year, Mr Chaney forecasts that output per hour will grow by 2.1%. Chaney预测每小时产出全年将增长2.;1%25。
- An improvement of output per worker has been achieved, due to mechanization. 由于机械化,每个工人的生产量有了提高。
- From 1950 to 1970, the economy's output per person grew more than sevenfold. 从1950年代到1970年代,经济的人均产出增长了超过7倍的幅度。
- There are two main components that contribute to livestock output per unit area under grazing conditions. 在放牧条件下,决定单位面积的牲畜产量,有两个主要因素。
- Inflation means that nominal or money incomes per head is rising faster than real output per head. 通货膨胀的意思是,按人口的名义收入或货币收入的增长比按人口的实际产量的增长要快。
- The rate at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor. 生产率尤指每单位劳动生产的产品或服务的速率
- East Asia overtook the region in output per worker by 2000 and has continued to power ahead. 东亚在2000年就在产出/每工人方面超过了东南亚,并且持续领先。
- Finally,these changes lead to the bald degree of ears reduced,the grain number and weight per ear increased,and grain output per mu raised. 最终导致果穗秃顶度减少,穗粒数与穗粒重增加,产量提高。
- Adoption of practices which improve output per unit of available moisture are critical to the achievement of high yields. 应用能够改善单位有效水分生产力的措施对取得高产是非常关键的。
- The proximate cause of the job losses was a 17 per cent increase in output per worker, while output fell by a mere 3 per cent (see chart). 就业下降最直接的原因是人均产出增加17%25,而同期的产出仅下降3%25(见图表)。
- Output Per Hour for Nonfarm Business, % change quarter one year ago, at annual rate. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. 除年度数据以外,劳动生产率增长率为该月份所在季度的同比增长率。资料来源:美国劳工统计局。
- Of course,it will take a considerable period of time for the value of our national output per capita to catch up with and surpass that of the developed capitalist countries. 至于国民生产总值按人口平均数赶上和超过发达的资本主义国家,那当然需要相当长的时间。
- Of course, it will take a considerable period of time for the value of our national output per capita to catch up with and surpass that of the developed capitalist countries. 至于国民生产总值按人口平均数赶上和超过发达的资本主义国家,那当然需要相当长的时间。