- The Origin and Evolution of "Li Lie", Musical Instrument of Li People. 黎族乐器"哩咧"的起源与演变。
- The origin and evolutionary development of plants. 植物发生,植物进化植物的起源和进化发展
- The astrophysical study of the origin and evolution of the universe. 天体演化学研究宇宙的起源和演化的一种天体物理学。
- A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe. 天体演化学说有关宇宙起源和演化的某理论或模式
- This paper has reviewed the origination and evolution of the principals of Open Regionalism of APEC. 本文回顾了亚太经合组织开放的地区主义原则的起源和演变。
- In this article the origination and evolution of genera Houttuynia cordate is discussed as well. 本文中还讨论了蕺菜属植物的起源演化。
- This article will review the origination and evolution of NPGS, the operation methods of excimer laser in NPGS, results and advantages. 本文就非穿透性青光眼手术的由来及演变、准分子激光非穿透性青光眼手术的操作方法、结果、优点进行综述。
- The origin and evolution of the Taiwan question are closely linked with that period of history. 台湾问题的产生与发展,都与这段历史有着紧密的联系。
- In this paper,the origin and evolution of AR and expatiated on the functions of the domains of AR are di... 本文讨论了雄激素受体的起源、进化,并着重阐述了雄激素受体各个结构域的功能。
- Abstract: Amphioxus is becoming an emerging model organism for insights into the origin and evolution of vertebrates. 摘 要: 文昌鱼是研究脊椎动物起源与进化十分珍贵的模式动物。
- In his Intertextuality, Graham Allen traces the origin and evolution of the term intertextuality , and touches upon WWW. GrahamAllen所著的《互文性》一书梳理了“互文性”概念的起源与演变 ,并最终落脚于对万维网的论述。
- To study the origin and evolution of humans, scientists rely not only on evidence from below the ground, but also on studies of living primates. 科学家为追溯人类的根源,除了搜寻人类祖先的化石、遗物,研究现生灵长类也可得到重要的线索。
- And the new progresses in this field were also reviewed, in particular to approach the origin and evolution of Arthropoda into the molecular level. 综述了该领域所取得的新进展,着重从分子水平来探讨节肢动物的起源与进化。
- This article will examine the origin and evolution of Saam Kap Dai with special emphasis on its formation, rise and fall in Hong Kong. 同时,还旁及紧跟三及第而兴起的新三及第,即由白话文、广州话和外语混合而成的文体;
- The origin and evolution of aromatotherapy were briefed. Its pharmacological function and preparation of essential oil microcapsule were introduced. 阐述了芳香疗法的起源、发展及其药理作用,介绍了香精微胶囊的制作方法。
- This article describes systemly the origin and evolution of hathpace buildings before Qin dynasty by studying related literatures. 摘要该文对中国先秦台型建筑的渊源及其演变通过对相关文献研究中的引得作了系统的疏理。
- Both the landscape painting's origin and its ripeness relied on a series of concepts formed by FengShui theory in its development and evolution. 无论是山水画的起源,以及山水画的成熟,都离不开风水理论在发展演化过程中所形成的一系列观念。
- The origin and evolution of the vascular system of the flower in Commelina communis and the taxa concerned were discussed in this paper. 文中对鸭跖草及其有关类群的花部维管束系统的来源及演变进行了比较、讨论。
- Similarity may not be the only result of phylogenetic inheritance but may be a result of a convergent mechanism of origin and evolution. 而相似却不一定都是种系遗传的结果,还可能是因为在起源和进化机制上的“雷同”。
- Such data are basic information for further investigating the composition, characteristics, nature, origin and evolution of the Qinghai plateau flora. 是研究青海高原植物区系的组成、性质和特点以及发生和演变规律等方面问题的基础资料。