- Purdue in the original author, Cornell. 作者原来在普渡,现在康纳尔。
- The ownership of this work is entirely the original author's own. 作品所有权归原作者所有,未经许可,请勿转载!
- All Copyrights Reserved by the Original Authors. 本栏目版权归原创作者所有。
- When RainbowJJ cc the materials from other websites, we will annotate the original author. 本站如有转自其它站点的资料,亦会申请许可并注明出处。
- After the sign *, source and background of and comments on the couplet are given by the original author. 楹联之后*号以下为原书评注,包括来源、背景和评语。
- Englsih:Should the original author refuse reprint, please leave a message, it will be deleted imediately. 普通话:如果作者不想别人转载,请留言,马上删除。
- When he was traded when I (my original author) that the Heat will become the eastern part of a playoff. 当他被交易的时候,我(本人原作者)就认为热火将成为东部季后赛的一支。
- Some have proposed alternatives to the GPL that require modified versions to go through the original author. 有些人提出另一个建议,即要求修改版本返回给原始作者。
- Excluded from the type series are any specimens that the original author expressly excludes or refers to as distinct variants, or doubtfully includes in the taxon. 被原著者明确排除在外,或被指称为不同的变异体,或包含在该分类单元中为可疑的任何标本,均应排除于模式系列之外。
- Those reproducing or distributing the work, or producing derivative works, must include attribution to the original author. 复制或分发作品或制作派生作品都必须包括对原创作者的认可。
- The designer will be the original author of the Virtual Building and the value higher in an electronic form than on paper. 设计师将成为“虚拟建筑”的始作者,其电子产品的价值远非图纸能及。
- Translation equivalence can be used to assess the linguistic competence of a translator. What an original author says and how he says it, that is the problem of the translator. 翻译对等可以用于评估一个翻译的语言能力。源作者说了什么,他怎么说的,那是译者的问题。
- In DICP, a cross-cultural mental dialogue between the translator and the original author or utterances is a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential process. 在语篇释意的交际过程中,译者与原文作者或原文话语进行的跨文化对话是一个寻找关、联明示推理的交际过程。
- According to Wolfgan Iser"s receptive aesthetics, upon the text has been created by the author, it"s already broken away from the original author, becoming part of the society. 根据伊瑟尔的接受美学理论,每部文学作品一经写出,就与原作者脱离关系,从而形成了某种社会的东西。
- In the end, the paper concludes that the three changes are mainly due to the original author, translator as well as the readership in the target language. 并进而指出,造成文化信息变化的原因与翻译中的主体,即原作者、译者和译语读者有密切关系。
- Disclaimer: some contents on this website are collected through internet etc. Please notify if violated the original author's copyright and we will delete it immediately. 免责声明:本站部分文章来源于网络等其它媒体,如果侵犯了原作者的版权,请联系我们,本站将立即删除。添加到收藏夹加为好友发送短信作者空间分享好友关闭此页
- Such a ratification relates back and supplies the original authority to perform the act. 这种追认是有溯及力并赋予了完成该事项的原始代理权。
- Reading the source again: Unsatisfied with some design decisions from the original authors. 再读源码:对原作者的一些设计决定感到不太满意.
- The man who aspires to be king, advised Kautilya (if indeed he was the original author) should always act according to what is expedient in particular circumstances. He should not consider himself bound by the prevailing moral code. 考提利亚建议 (如果他真是该书的原作者的话),想要成为君主的人应当审时度势,不受任何道德规范的约束。