- Like those ordinary investors, sonic bankers are also the limited rationalists. 摘要银行家像普通投资者那样也是有限理性者。
- With regular savings and reasonable investment returns, even ordinary investors can garner surprising wealth. 只要做到按时储蓄及合理投资,即使是普通人也能积攒下惊人的财富。
- Amongst ordinary investors, there is an almost fatalistic belief that the government is pulling the strings of movements in share prices. 普通投资者有一种近乎宿命论的信念,认为拉动股价走势的绳子掌握在政府手中。
- The Treasury is quietly ending the program, which was one of the emergency measures that most directly aided ordinary investors. 财政部平静地结束了这个计画,该计画是最直接地帮助普通投资者的应急措施之一。
- Q1. Can equity-type securities issued by foreign issuers be purchased by ordinary investors in Taiwan on Taiwan's domestic securities markets? 本国一般投资人于本国证券市场是否可买到外国发行人发行之股权性质之有价证券?
- The Retail Bond Market Ordinary investors are increasingly drawn to retail bonds, which can offer attractive returns in the current low interest rate environment. 利率低企,令零售债券的回报率特别具吸引力,因此越来越多普罗大众投资于零售债券。
- Stock markets around the world have enjoyed a healthy rebound this year. But the battle to regain the hearts, minds and trust of ordinary investors is not being quickly won. 今年全球股市都出现积极反弹,但是,重新博得普通投资者的信心、兴趣和信任将是一场战斗,而且这场战斗难以速战速决。
- Later came to realize that ordinary investors, Lei, Zhao publicly recommended actions behind the big funds are supporting and helping each other, artificially creating "a myth. 事后普通投资者才明白,雷、赵公开推荐行为背后,都有大资金支持,相互配合,人为地制造“神话”。
- In the process of investing a lot of people are adhering to lose, for ordinary investors, is the most difficult of the difficult times persist in the right direction. 投资过程中很多人都输在坚持上,对于普通投资者而言,最难的是在艰难的时刻坚持正确的方向。
- Because hedge funds high-risk, and complexity of the investment mechanism, Many Western countries have banned recruitment to the public funds, to protect the interests of ordinary investors. 由于对冲基金的高风险性和复杂的投资机理,许多西方国家都禁止其向公众公开招募资金,以保护普通投资者的利益。
- Regardless of which is one of a kind of friends are not good grasp of ordinary investors, and it is therefore recommended that we see more paucimobilis, is impatient heat could eat tofu. 而不论是其中的哪一种,都是普通投资者朋友不好把握的,也因此,建议大家多看少动,心急是吃不了热豆腐的。
- Secondly, the decline measureless to illustrate pre-main without the will or can not exit out, can only make compromises,舍命陪君子with ordinary investors in a temporarily with adversity . 其次,下跌无量,说明前期主力无出局意愿或者无法出局,只能委曲求全,舍命陪君子,与普通投资者一起暂时同患难。
- The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者。
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一辆没有多余装饰的普通汽车。
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- Now ordinary repairs can be handled in our plant. 现在一般的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。
- The rules will suffice for all ordinary needs. 这些规定将能满足所有一般场合的需要。
- I won't invest my money in his company. 我不会把我的钱投资到他的公司。
- Our ordinary workday is eight hours. 我们正常的工作日是8小时。