- Abstract: The coactions of subsealing concrete and steel pipe pile are the key technology of large steel suspension-box cofferdam. 摘要:封底混凝土与钢护筒的共同作用是大型钢吊箱及承台设计与施工的关键技术问题。
- In construction, supporting measures such as steel pipe pile, high-pressure impervious board wall were adopted, ensuring the excavation of base pits. 在施工中采用了钢管桩、高压防渗板墙、槽内降水、槽外注水回灌,外加复合土钉墙支护措施,保证了基坑开挖。
- The coaction of subsealing concrete and steel pipe pile is the key technology for design and construction of a large steel suspension-box cofferdam. 简要介绍江阴老煤栈集装箱件杂货多用途码头工程的结构设计特点,对码头上下游钢护桩设计作了重点的介绍。
- GONG Wei-ming, JIANG Yong sheng, MU Bao-gang.Drivability analysis of steel pipe pile of offshore plateform [J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2000,22(2): 227-230. [7]龚维明;蒋永生;穆保岗;等.;某海洋平台钢管桩可打性分析[J]
- Karst cave grouting and churning pile are effective for the foundation treatment in multi-karst cave areas, and steel pipe pile in highly karstified bedrock areas( especially in multilayer-caves). 溶洞灌浆和旋喷桩对多溶洞地基处理效果明显,而钢管桩适用于基岩岩溶强烈发育(别是多层溶洞)地基处理。
- The paper introduces the practical example of the foundation treatment using boring cast-in-place steel pipe pile for the 5318 engineering station of Gansu Broadcasting Television Bureau. 该文介绍了甘肃省广播电视厅5318台机房地基采用钻孔灌注钢管桩处理的工程实例。
- Design of steel pipe pile project in Sudan Oilfield 苏丹油田钢管桩工程设计
- steel pipe pile compound soil-nailing wall 钢管桩复合土钉墙
- anchor rod pressing steel pipe pile 锚杆静压钢管桩
- supporting by bored steel pipe pile 钻孔钢管桩支护
- The authors suggested porous plate at the pit bottom, together with slope anchorage net and steel pipe piles to strengthen the foundation. 本文提出了采用粉喷桩多孔板暗撑加固抗隆起技术,与边坡喷锚网、钢管桩联合支护结构相结合。
- The membrane stretched over the open end of a drum. 鼓面绷在鼓开口端的膜
- The fabrication of the steel pipe piles of the Bridge features small land occupancy area, high automization degree, high fabrication efficiency and stable fabrication quality. 大桥钢管桩制造具有占地面积小、自动化程度高、生产效率高和质量稳定等特点。
- Application of Steel Pipe Pile in Construction of Open Tunnel Works of Diversion Outlet in Zaoshi Hydro Complex 钢管桩在皂市水利枢纽导流洞出口明洞工程中的应用
- An Investigation and Discussion on the Block Effect of Earth at the End of Steel Pipe Pile 探讨钢管桩桩端土的闭塞效应
- Press stem/ball into valve body and remove from open end. 将阀杆/球体压入阀体内,并且从开口端卸下来。
- Some knowledge about working performance open-end steel pipe pile 关于开口钢管桩工作性状的几点认识
- The tube is placed open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury. 管子以开口一端插入部分装有水银的槽内。
- Studies on Soil Plug in Driving Open-ended Steel Pipe Pile 动力打入钢管桩中的土塞研究现状
- A light steel structure on a concrete plinth supports the rusted steel and plywood open ended box. 该敞开封闭式房子设计采用锈面钢和胶合板材料,依靠一个基于方形混凝土底座的轻钢结构提供支撑。