- oil pipeline in cold region 寒区输油管
- Windchill increases the hazards in cold regions. 风寒指数会增加寒冷区域的危险性。
- Yingram: The leak in March from an oil pipeline in Alaska was one of the largest ever on US soil, spilling a million liters of crude oil. 三月份阿拉斯加输油管道发生的泄漏事件是在美国本土最大的一次,共有一百万升原油泄漏出来。
- Performance of a modified municipal wastewater treatment plant in cold region. 寒冷地区城市污水处理厂改进工艺的运行效能。
- The total scheme of diamond wire saw that can cut off the submarine oil pipeline in dry cabin was established and the main assemblies were designed. 确定了可在海底干式仓内切割输油管道的金刚石绳锯机的总体方案,并对主要部件进行了设计计算。
- Crude prices hit another record high, touching $97 a barrel after bombings in Afghanistan, and an attack on an oil pipeline in Yemen added to supply concerns. 在阿富汗爆炸事件和也门输油管道受攻击事件增加了对供给的担忧后,原油价格再创新高,达到每桶97美元。
- I prefer to live in a cold region. 我宁愿住在寒冷的地区。
- SanHua Oil Pipeline in Wulumuqi, Xingjiang is at lower throughput operated and in this case the PPD-beneficiated method to increase the oil throughput is put forward. 摘要针对北三台至乌鲁木齐石化分输站三化输油管道输量低的现状,提出了采用加注降凝剂提高管道输量的方法,并对其实际应用效果进行了对比分析。
- Crude oil traded near a record $104.95 a barrel in New York after OPEC yesterday refrained from raising production and Colombian rebels bombed an oil pipeline in the country. 据彭博咨讯报道:哥伦比亚叛徒国家中轰炸了一条油管后,纽约原油交易中每桶原油近%24104.;95元;石油输出国家组织昨天发布要克制不要提高原油产量。
- Rural housings were analyzed in Handan, Hebei province, which locates in cold region, hoping to solve the comfortless problem of some rural housings. 本论文对寒冷地区河北省邯郸市的农村住宅进行了研究,希望找到解决大部分邯郸农村住宅舒适度较差的问题。
- The authors consider that it is of significance to ensure safe operation of oil pipeline in effectively controlling fire in the place where the pumping stations, aboveground oil tanks and jetties are located. 摘要加强输油泵站、地面原油储罐、铁路装车栈桥等易燃易爆场所的消防管理,对保障正常的输油生产具有重要意义。
- The construction method of high pressure spray grouting technology in seepage prevention curtain against municipal flood control dykes in cold region was presented. 阐述了高压喷射灌浆技术用于寒区城市防洪大堤的防渗帷幕墙灌浆工程的施工技术和施工方法。
- West Pipeline crossing Heihe River is the longest crossing project by a large excavation way and the method of laying both crude oil pipeline and products pipeline in a single trench. 黑河是西部管道工程采用大开挖方式穿越的距离最长的河流,原油与成品油管道采用同沟敷设方式穿越该河流。
- The result indicated that fibred asphalt mix can improve deck s fatigue life and early disease resistance when the mix is applied to bridge s pavement in cold region. 结果表明纤维沥青混合料用于寒区桥面铺装能显著提高其疲劳寿命与抗早期病害能力。
- Douglas put away Collins in cold blood. 道格拉斯蓄意杀死了柯林斯。
- This liquid gels faster in cold weather. 这种液体天冷时凝结得快些。
- Running of low flow rate in waxy crude oil pipeline in northeast China is facing a severe problem and wax gathering in pipelines is more and more serious. 我国东北含蜡原油管道低输量运行问题日益突出,管道结蜡问题变得愈来愈严重。含蜡原油管道输送成本主要由动力消耗和燃料消耗两项组成。蜡层厚度增大,使得动力消耗增大,燃料消耗减少。
- He committed murder in cold blood. 他犯了蓄意杀人罪。
- The prisoners were shot in cold blood. 犯人们被残酷地枪杀了。
- The application of HSE risk management in dismantling the shiploading oil pipelines in Fushun Petrochemical Company is introduced. 叙述了HSE风险管理在抚顺石化储运公司油品装船管线拆除中的应用。