- nondetachable semitrailer 非快速摘钩式半拖车
- Computer Aids Analysis of Braking Performance of SDG9130E08 Semitrailer Train. SDG9130E08半挂汽车列车制动性能的计算机辅助分析
- The old Chevy pickup looked small beside a huge semitrailer rig roaring into Winterset, spraying a wave of road water over the last cowboy. 那辆旧雪佛莱小卡车在一辆巨大的拖车旁边显得很小,那拖车咆哮着开向温特塞特,溅起一阵水珠从那最后的牛仔头上洒过。
- The semitrailer truck was in perfect operating order from mechanical aspects at about 800 000 km run capacity. 从机械的角度上看,当行走路程大约在80万公里时,半挂卡车按最佳的操作指令运行。
- It also has an nondetachable relationship between the rivers, groups, business, transportation, culture, and historical development.It is really and important asset of Hinshu. 御史桥碑,位于新竹市南门古道上,其与河川、聚落、商业活动、交通运输、历史发展、文化生态景观,古人类遗址皆有关连,实为新竹市乡土文化的重要文化资产。
- The paper briefly introduces the structure, technical parameters arid operating principle of a new high-effective self-dump semitrailer. 简要介绍了一种新型的、高效的自卸半挂车的结构、技术参数及工作原理。
- The relay valves which are used at the end of long pipelines can quickly fill gas cells with compressed air, for example, in trailer or semitrailer brake systems. 继动阀用于长管路的末端,使储气筒的压缩空气快速充满制动气室,如在挂车或半挂车制动系统中。
- Requirernents of the braking regulation by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Europe Economic Community (EEC) foword the braking performace of semitrailer and semitractor are related individually. 分别介绍了联合国欧洲经济委员会(ECE)和欧洲经济共同体(EEC)制动法规对半挂车和半挂牵引车制动性能的要求。
- The paper took the popular FEA software ANSYS as a developing platform, built the bulk-cement semitrailer geometry model and finite element model in ANSYS and took finite element analysis on it. 本文以使用最为广泛的有限元分析软件ANSYS为分析平台,在ANSYS软件中建立半挂式散装水泥车的几何模型和有限元模型,并对半挂车进行有限元分析。
- Transport Growth Booms the Semitrailer Market 公路运输发展托起半挂车的明天
- bulk-cement delivery semitrailer 散装水泥运输车
- Central Steering Tests and Handling Quality of Semitrailer Tractors 中间位置转向试验与半挂牵引车操纵稳定性
- Design of concave beam type semitrailer of vehicular traffic 凹梁式车辆运输半挂车的设计
- Semitrailer Security and Vehicle Structure Requirement 半挂车使用安全性与车辆结构要求
- Design of the Large Different - Diameter in LPG Delivery Semitrailer 大型变径液化气体运输半挂车的设计
- Technology development current of semitrailer car and its mating accessory 半挂汽车及配套件技术发展趋势
- The Load Model and Loading Ways of the Bulk-Materials Delivery Semitrailer 散装物料运输车载荷模型与施加方法
- Finite-Element Method Analysis for Integral Body Intensity of Bulk-Cement Delivery Semitrailer 承载式散装水泥半挂车车身强度的有限元分析
- Reseach for the Fold Line Type Fluidized Bed and Tank of the Bulk-Cement Delivery Semitrailer 散装水泥半挂罐车折线型流化床与罐体的研究
- The Finite Element Analysis for its Intensity and Toughness About Tank of Liquid Tank Semitrailer 半挂液罐车罐体结构强度和刚度有限元分析