- new British Large Yorkshire 新英系大约克
- The American government came out against the new British plane. 美国政府宣布反对英国的新式飞机。
- The new British congress declared a state of war with Germany. 新的英国国会对德宣战。
- Large Yorkshire had highly significant differences with Landrace pig. 外来猪种间只有大约克和长白间差异显著。
- A study on DNA fingerprints of Erhualian and Large Yorkshire pigs was carried out using bacteriophage M13mp18 single strand DNA probe. 用噬菌体M13mp18单链DNA作探针,对二花脸和大约克夏猪进行了DNA指纹的研究。
- The results indicated that Gansu white pig had superior meat quality and Large Yorkshire also had good quality but varied much in water loosing percentage (WLP). 正反杂交后,多数性状呈中间遗传水平,杂交可降低干物质含量和熟肉率,也会减少失水率和提高肌肉脂肪。
- The new British owner, Cunard Lines, said the welcome ceremony was subdued out of respect for those killed. “玛丽女王2号”的新主人英国丘纳德航运公司说,出于对遇难者的尊敬,欢迎仪式低调举行。
- Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than marijuana or ecstasy, according to a new British study. 根据最近英国一项新研究显示,酒精和烟草的危害比大麻或摇头丸更大。
- New British school guidelines encourage students to play the roles of such figures as Galileo, Darwin and Dawkins while debating science and creationism. 新颁的英国学校教育准则里,鼓励学生在科学与创造论的辩论中,扮演伽利略、达尔文及道金斯的角色。
- The genetic variation of E. coli F18 receptor (ECF18R) loci in 867 pigs including Large Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, Ningxiang pig, Shaziling pig and Daweizi pig was detected by PCR-RFLP with Hin6 I. 采用PCR-RFLP技术检测了大约克、长白、杜洛克、宁乡、沙子岭和大围子6个品种共867头猪的E.coli F18受体(ECF18R)基因座的遗传变异。
- The French have been voted the world's most unfriendly nation byalandslide in a new British poll published. They were also votedthemost boring and most ungenerous. 最佳翻译英国民意测验:全球数法国人最粗鲁、烦人英国最新公布的压倒性民意,选出法国人是世界上最不友好的民族。
- By slaughtering sows at different time after the onset of estrus,it was shown that the ovulation began about 40 -72 hours after the beginning of estrus in the large Yorkshire breed. 通过对大约克母猪在发情不同时间分批屠宰测定表明,大约克母猪排卵时间是在发情开始后48小时左右至72小时之前这一范围。
- En route to the United States, the new British leader said the world is indebted to the United States for taking the lead in the fight against terrorism. 在飞赴美国的途中,这位新上任的英国领导人就表示,我们应该感谢美国为反对国际恐怖主义而起到的领导作用;
- In the months that followed, Arthur's squadron replaced its older American Hawk fighters with newer British Gloster Gladiators. 在以后的几个月里,亚瑟领导的中队以新的英国格洛斯特格斗者代替了年老的美国鹰派战斗机。
- The new leader has a large backing. 那位新领导人有大批的支持者。
- The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
- A British coin worth one half of a new penny. 半便士一种英国硬币,币值是新版便士的一半
- Enhancing the Reproductive Performance of Large Yorkshire Swines 提高大约克夏猪生产性能的选育研究
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。