- Fussy AHP evaluate the natural resource endowment of iron mine 基于层次分析的模糊数学方法确定铁矿资源的禀赋优势
- An Analysis on Natural Resource Endowment and the Economy of Developing Countries 自然资源禀赋与发展中国家经济分析
- Natural Resources Endowment, Comparative Advantage and Regional Economic Growth 资源禀赋、比较优势与区域经济增长
- natural resource endowment 天赋自然资源
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- That country is poor in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源贫乏。
- The country is abundant in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源丰富。
- It is wrong to misuse our natural resources. 滥用我们的自然资源是不对的。
- Oil is Kuwait's most important natural resource. 石油是科威特最重要的自然资源。
- Brazil's endowment of natural resources matches its "Continental" dimensions. 巴西的丰富资源和它那广大的幅员很相称。
- The country is rich in natural resource. 这个国家的自然资源很丰富。
- Natural Resources Endowment with Paradox of Economic Development--Discussion on the economic situation of developing countries and developing orientation 自然资源禀赋与经济发展的悖论--发展中国家经济现状成因及发展方向的探讨
- Crude oil is a precious natural resource. 原油是一种珍贵的天然资源。
- This paper analyzed the Chinese fruit's overall and regional comparative advantge using the resource endowment index and revealed comparative advantage index. 运用资源禀赋系数和显示比较优势指数两个指标对中国水果的总体比较优势和区域比较优势进行分析。
- If I may refer back to the problem we discussed, I think we shall stress on the conservation of our natural resource. 请允许我重提我们刚才讨论过的问题,我想我们应该强调保存我们的自然资源。
- The Source of Economic Growth: Resources Endowment, Technology or Institution? 经济增长的源泉:资源禀赋、技术还是制度?
- The natural resources of our country are leaking away through misuse. 我国的自然资源因滥用而慢慢地浪费掉。
- We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources. 我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。
- Japan has scarcities in most natural resources. 日本缺乏大部分的天然资源。