- The Narrative Strategy of Jin Yong's Nov. 金庸小说的叙事策略;
- This is the narrative strategy worth of inquiring into. 这是一种值得探究的叙事策略。
- As a important narrative strategy, the using of the children's perspective indicate the stylistic awareness of narrative form and presentation. 作为一种重要的叙事策略,儿童视角的运用显示了作家叙事形式和言说为式的文体自觉。
- Furthermore, this narrative strategy also uncovers Flaubert's playful attitude towards the existential nihil, and thus helps the writer transcend and poeticize reality. 本文认为,这样的叙述策略表现了福楼拜面对生存虚无的一种选择:游戏。这是作家超越现实、诗化现实的方式。
- Due to the feature of the new era, these works shows great modernism sense, both on narrative substance, narrative strategy and on esthetical configuration. 因为时代的关系,这批作品无论从叙事主旨、叙事策略还是审美形态上都表现出强烈的现代性特征。
- The former is an expression of feminist subject consciousness,while the latter is often considered as a narrative strategy under the pressure of masculine hegemony. 前者是女权主义者所提倡的女性主体意识的表现,而后者被理解为女性作者在男性霸权下的文本叙事策略。
- The actual event narrative strategy that brings crisis to female metropolis writing is the gradual scarcity of the writer's imagination as well as the awkwardness. 纪实叙事给女性都市写作带来的危机是作家想像力的日渐匮乏以及被动的卷入商业泥潭而担上“色情文学”的罪名。
- Before entering the concrete argument, I make a concise elucidation about investigative object, method, way of thinking and narrative strategy for the text. 在进入具体论证之前,笔者对本文研究对象、方法、理论思路和叙述策略作一简要说明。
- Therefore, in this narrative strategy, self-disguise is twofold: on the one hand, to cover up the "I" desires, the other hand, to cover up the "I" of the desire itself is empty. 所以,在这个叙事策略中,自我掩饰是双重的:一方面,掩饰了"我"的欲望,另一方面,又掩饰了"我"的欲望本身的空洞。
- In the meantime of doing up the changeable tracks of hero ideas in contemporary literature, the essay also analyzes interaction between hero ideas and narrative strategy by using the theory of narration. 本文在梳理当代文学英雄观念嬗变轨迹的同时,运用叙事学理论解析英雄观念与叙事策略的互动关系。
- They express their emotions as much as they like in their novels, but Ling Shuhua adopts unique narrative strategy: everyday life trivial, object and neutral view, slow narrative rhythm, emotional abstention and so on. 摘要在众人尽情宣泄情感的小说大潮中,凌叔华自觉采用了独特的叙事策略:日常生活琐事、中性全知、缓慢的叙事节奏、冷漠的叙事语调,适可而止的情感节制等。
- Her modern epic novel published in the year 1989, The Temple of My Familiar, fully displays her writing technique, especially the narrative strategy in terms of narrative point of view. 继成名作《紫色》出版并引起轰动之后,沃克又于1989年推出现代史诗般的新作《我家族的庙宇》。
- In short story of Araby , James Joyce adopts unique narrative strategy, setting and tone, and the wonderful use of symbolism to depict the theme, which shows his artistic construction and his creative technique in writing. 在短篇小说《阿拉比》中,詹姆士·乔依斯采用独特的叙述策略,别具一格的背景设置与氛围描写,精妙 的象征手法,并使三者相互映衬交融,揭示主题,成就了与众不同的艺术构建,显示了作者独特的创作技巧。
- "Peacock" and "Ke Ke Xi Li"were both excellent film. Through unique narrative strategy,deel life thinking,commercial and aesthetic combination,they obtained rich literature connotations. 电影《孔雀》与《可可西里》通过独特的叙事策略、深沉的生命思考,把商业看点升华为审美生长点,具有丰厚的文学内涵。
- From narratological point of view, the present paper elaborates the narrative strategy in Vanity Fair, by analyzing the narrator, the relationship between the narrator and readers, and the comment from the narrator. 本文从现代叙述学的角度 ,从“关于叙述者” ,“关于叙述者与读者” ,“关于叙述者的议论”三方面分析了作者于《名利场》中所运用的叙述策略
- By using the epistolary narrative strategy, Walker disperses her own voice from the text and eliminates the didactic nature of the traditional Slave Narrative, the once popular genre in Afro-American literature. 沃克将书信体与传统的黑人奴隶叙事相结合,在保存奴隶叙事特征的基础上颠覆了传统意义上的奴隶叙事。 这种书信体叙事手法克服了传统奴隶叙事中作者声音和道德判断过于明显的缺陷。
- Chili often uses the citizenly angle of view to solve the myth of the love, as well as the obviously romantic legendary tendency, from these Chili's special narrative strategy can be seen. 作者常常以小市民的视角解构爱情的神话,并表现出明显的浪漫传奇化倾向,显示了独特的叙事策略。
- In the fifth part, the thesis mainly concentrates on many major characteristics, such as narrative strategies and language style of nonfiction. 第四部分是在第三部分的基础上,分析了传统新闻主义和非虚构小说即新新闻主义的区分。
- At the same time, it analyses the novel's appropriately use of novel omniscient vision, limited vision and the irregular light of the three narrative strategy multidimensionally to mold round figures. 同时,适度分析小说运用全知视觉、限知视觉和“参差的对照”三种叙事策略多层面塑造“圆形人物”性格的作用。
- Amy Tan successfully creates a mother image by the narrative strategy of first person narration mixed with the third person narration and characteristic immigrant and female languages. 谭恩关以第一人称为主,伴随第三人称转换的叙述方法,通过富于特色的移民语言和女性语言,成功地塑造了母亲这一人物形象。