- move one's capital about 转移资金
- Move one character to the right. 向右移动一个字符。
- Arrow keys move one line at a time also. 箭头键还可以一次移动一行。
- In a particular indignity for a bank long associated with conservatism, concerns about the level of UBS’s capital ratio had even started to surface. 一个长期以保守见称的银行如今却受到这种侮辱,对于UBS的资金率的担心也就逐渐出现了。
- I think you need a minimum of about 150 people, simply to move one of these massive forty-ton stones. 仅仅是搬运这些重达四十吨的巨石,就需要大约150人。
- To date, we have achieved the capital about USD 2600,000. 公司现有员工近250人,其中学士以上专业技术人员占20%25以上。
- Germania’s capital, Berlin, became a Nazi showplace. 德国首都柏林,成为纳粹展示。
- Here is a picture of four matches, move one and make a square. 这里有一张用四根火柴组成的图,移动其中一根使之形成一个正方形。
- The first was a small bomb left in the toilet at a beachfront restaurant in the island’s capital Palma.No one was injured. 第一起是帕尔马沙滩餐厅的一个卫生间里的一枚小炸弹,无人受伤。
- Move one cell up, down, left, or right in a worksheet. 在工作表中上移、下移、左移或右移一个单元格。
- Move one character to the left or right, respectively. 分别向左或向右移动一个字符。
- Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread Space. 向下移动一个全屏的距离,并转至下一未看处。
- AMERICA'S capital, filled with politicos and pundits, is a noisy place. 美国首都政客学者云集,热闹非凡。
- She daren't move one more step for scaring of bitting by snakes. 她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢在草丛中再走一步。
- Moves one cell to the right in a worksheet. 在工作表中向右移动一个单元格。
- Move one of the Panel controls until it is nearly level with the first. 移动一个Panel控件,使之差不多与第一个控件平齐。
- Abruzzo’s capital, L’Aquila, stands at the foot of the Gran Sasso and has many important churches and monuments. 阿布鲁佐的省会是拉奎拉,它座落在大萨索山的山脚下,那里有许多重要的教堂与纪念碑。
- NB. Players can only move one space at a time and only to an adjacent location. 每次玩家只能移动一格,而且必须移动到相邻的地点。
- We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. 我们还应该进一步增大IMF的资金池,以扩大其新的贷款协议。
- CDB's capital base has been pinched by continued lending growth without an increase in equity. 由于贷款不断增长,而公司的股本并未增加,这使得国家开发银行的资本充足率出现下降。