- When writing mountains and waters poems, people found Qu Sao's spirit and self life affection, try every efforts to create and change, thus forming a kind of profoundly deep aesthetic style of the Chinese traditional poems. 诗人们在进行山水诗创作时,都能在一定程度上熔铸屈骚精神及自身的生活感受,力求创变,从而形成影响深远的中国传统诗歌美学风范。
- Overseas mountain and water poem 海外山水诗
- The general study of Kang Youwei's mountain and water poem 康有为山水诗论略
- I like the painting of mountains and water. 我喜欢山水画。
- Benxi Mountain and Water Travel Service Co., Ltd. 本溪市山水观光旅行社有限公司。
- The mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven. 桂林山水甲天下。
- mountains and waters poems 山水诗
- mountain and water poems 山水诗
- mountain and water poem 山水诗
- Taoist poem about realizing the truth of Tao in nature is a significant theme of Taoist poetry and an important component of ancient Chinese poetry about mountains and waters. 摘要道教山水悟道诗是道教诗歌的一个重大题材,亦是中国古代山水诗的一个重要组成部分。
- Mountains and water painting, too, reached a peak in the Song Dynasty. 到了宋代,山水画达到鼎盛
- In the Shan-shui poems, he not only described the beautiful scenery of natural mountain and water landscape, but also conveyed an abundant moody world, so as to construct a very special generating process of aesthetical experience. 在山水诗中,灵运并不只是着力于大自然山光水色的描写,更藉着山水诗抒发了属于诗人一己的情思,因而架构出了一种相当独特的审美对待方式与美感生发过程。
- On the second day, he disembarked, only to seeflourishing Purple perilla treessurrounded by mountains and waters, forming abestowed natural wonder! 第二天上岸果然看到遍地紫苏,山环水绕,环境甚好。
- They turn up in food and germs, plants and animals, mountains and water and sky. 他们出现在食物和细菌,植物和动物,山,水和天空。
- They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond. 他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。
- Guilin, Kunming, Guiyang, such as mountains and water, is a summer resort tourism. 桂林、昆明、贵阳等有山有水的地方,是人们旅游的避暑胜地。
- I can't live this life of milk and water. 我过不了这种平淡的生活。
- Air and water are needful for living things. 空气和水是生物不可缺少的东西。
- The four are Huang Gongwang, Ni Zan, Wu Zhen and Wang Meng, who were all excellent painters of mountains and water scenes. 黄公望、倪瓒、吴镇和王蒙,他们代表了中国山水画史上的一个高峰。
- But in the Spring Travel Painting, drawn by Zhan Ziqian in the Sui Dynasty, mountains and water had become the main theme of the painting. 在隋朝展子虔所画的《游春图》中,山水已经成为表现的主体。