- The partners share this moral responsibility. 股东们共同承担这种道义上的责任。
- I think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries. 我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。
- One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. 一个人既有法律上,亦有道义上的责任去遵守公正的法律。
- That means my moral responsibility to serve, to help the Tibetan people, fails. 这就是说,我服务、帮助西藏人民的道德责任,失败了。
- Indeed, soft-determinists believe that determinism is a necessary condition for moral responsibility. 确实,柔性决定论认为,决定论是道德责任的必要条件。
- Libertarianism is a doctrine which seeks to preserve the sense or sen-connor wnich is reqired ron moral responsibility. 意志自由论是一种旨在维护道德责任所需的自我控制感的学说。
- However, Both determinism and full-determinism can"t resolve the problem of moral responsibility. 然而,决定论和完全的非决定论都无法合理地解释人类的道德责任问题。
- The problem of corporate moral responsibility is new in research realm whether oversea or interiorly. 企业道德责任问题在无论是在国外还是在国内都尚属一个较新的研究领域。
- On our part,we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started. 我们必须肩负道德上的责任,确保由先辈苦心经营,今日我们所拥有的新加坡,能够在我们这一代延续下去,并取得更好的成绩。
- On our part, we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started. 我们必须肩负道德上的责任,确保由先辈苦心经营,今日我们所拥有的新加坡,能够在我们这一代延续下去,并取得更好的成绩。
- As to its form of existence, moral responsibility possesses the features of "non-institutionalization and non-strict-specificity". 就其存在形式来看,道德责任具有“非制度化性和非严格明确性”。
- It will help them to develop the skills of enquiry, reflection and discussion; to reason, to distinguish between facts and values and to exercise social and moral responsibility. 它将帮助他们获得询问、反省和讨论的技巧;思考原因并区分现实和价值之间的差别,并且承担社会和道德义务。
- He felt morally responsible for the accident. 他觉得在道义上应对这次事故负责。
- The article On Wholism in Circumstance Ethics deeply analyses around the problem of adscription of the moral responsibility of environmental protection. 《论环境伦理学中的整体主义》一文则围绕环境保护的道德责任归属的问题进行了深入分析,指出个体主义和整体主义虽然都有其历史渊源,并且可以部分地解决环境伦理的规范问题,但都缺乏内在的自洽性,这就暴露了环境伦理学作为学科之不成熟性的事实。
- Professional consciences of police are professional moral responsibility and ability of self-evaluation which formed when police perform their function by law. 人民警察的职业良心,是人民警察在依法履行职责的过程中所形成的职业道德责任感和自我评价能力。
- The decisive elements for prosocial behaviors include empathetic ability, belief in agreement between one's good fortune and virtue and the sense of moral responsibility, etc. 摘要亲社会行为发生的决定因素包括移情能力、对德福一致的信仰、道德责任感等。
- While the Hebrew prophets were working out a new sense of direct moral responsibility between the people and an etemal and universal God of Right, the Greek philosophers were training the human mind in a new method and spirit of intellectual adventure. 一方面,希伯来的先知们正在寻找民众与永恒而万能的正义之神之间某种直接的道德责任感; 另一方面,希腊的哲学家们却以一种新的方式和思想冒险精神训练着人类的头脑。
- From the perspective of the knowledge contained in technique ethnics, it includes value outlook on technique, moral norms on technique, the moral responsibility of technique subject, etc. 从技术伦理的知识构成看,技术伦理教育应包括技术价值观、技术道德规范、技术主体的道德责任等维度。
- Libertarianism, therefore, cannot provide an adequate account of moral responsibility because it is a theory in which decisions are not caused by the central mechanisms of the personality. 在意志自由论看来,人们的决定不是由其人格核心机制产生的。所以,意志自由论无法对道德责任做出充分解释。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。