- Many cases of mild mental handicap are caused by social deprivation. 轻度心理缺陷的许多病例都是由社会剥夺引起的。
- mildly mentally handicapped 轻度弱智的
- Mentally handicapped persons can never grow up. 弱智人士永远不会成长。
- We can treat mentally handicapped persons as children. 对待弱智人士与一般小孩没有分别。
- Children with the disorder are mildly mentally retarded and exhibit hormonal problems, which often lead them to become obese as teenagers and adults. 具有这种失常的儿童略微智力迟缓且呈现出内分泌问题,这常导致他们变得和青少年或成人一样肥胖。
- More than 500 indentured workers have been freed, including children and mentally handicapped people. 500多名沦为契约奴的农民工重获自由,其中包括儿童和智力残疾的人。
- There is no complete mentally handicapped people, just as there is no complete supernormal people. 也因此,并不存在完全的弱智儿,就像并不存在完全的超常儿一样。
- The answer is no, it was a spoof of the spoof article for the mentally handicapped. 答案是没有,那是一篇恶搞弱智的恶搞文章。
- He spent all of his extra income on supplies for the patients he nursed, and to support his widowed mother and mentally handicapped brother. 他将剩馀的收入都用来购买生活用品,送给那些他所看护的伤兵,并一方面扶养自己的寡母和智障的兄弟。
- It is also necessary to find appropriate methods of preventing mentally handicapped people from injuring or mutilating themselves or others. 而为防止精神不健全人群伤损自己及他人,寻找因人而异的治疗方法来同样不可或缺。
- This paper introduces a case study on tutorship of poem creation for an elder student with mild mental retardation. 摘要本文介绍了对一名大龄轻度智障学生进行诗歌创作辅导的研究。
- Japanese do not confess the massacre for the reason that the Chinese fabricateted it, undoubltly Luchuan is mentally handicapped. 日本人不承认屠杀的理由恰恰说是中国虚构历史,毫无疑问陆川不是卑鄙就是弱智。
- Although a disproportionate number are mentally handicapped, many end up in the general school population, performing no worse than others on IQ tests. 虽说他们智力受损的比例偏高,但仍有许多人接受一般的学校教育,智力测验也不比其他人差。
- Our Ebenezer New Hope School received a grant of 62,000 from Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Mentally Handicapped in support of a musical activity Moving Music. 心光恩望学校获伊利沙伯女皇弱智人士基金捐赠62,000赞助飞舞音乐治疗活动计划。
- Chinese state media say authorities have arrested 10 suspects and freed 32 mentally handicapped people who were being forced to work in brick kilns in eastern China. 中国官方媒体表示,有关当局逮捕了10名嫌疑人,并释放了32名有精神疾病的人;这些人被迫在中国东部的砖窑里做工。
- Stiller plays a film in a mentally-handicapped man, the role of film in the campaign known as "mentally handicapped" have been strong protests from disabled groups. 斯蒂勒在片中扮演了一名智障男子,这个角色在影片宣传活动中被称为“弱智”,遭到残疾人团体的强烈抗议。
- Physically or mentally handicapped persons or minors who cannot distinguish right from wrong or cannot properly express themselves shall not be qualified as witnesses. 生理上、精神上有缺陷或者年幼,不能辨别是非、不能正确表达的人,不能作证人。
- Shyu often goes to agencies for the disabled to walk around. The photo shows a recent visit to mentally handicapped firends at a center in Taya Rural Township in Taichung. 徐中雄经常到各残障机构走动,图为他到台中大雅乡的信望爱启能中心探视智障朋友。
- Under normal circumstances,a harmonious atmosphere produces mild mental state,an intense atmosphere produces negative mental state,a discordance atmosphere produces worried mental state. 一般情况下,和谐的氛围,产生平和的心理;紧张的气氛,产生相悖的心理;不和的情形,产生焦虑的心理。
- G.OJohnson. (1950), A Study of the Social Position of Mentally Handicapped Children in the Regular Grades, American Jrl. of Mental Deficiency, (55), 60-89. 陈文枝等(1977);台北市中山国小学习迟缓儿童在资源班与普通班中国语、数学二科学习成绩之比较研究;台北市:中山国小.