- G.OJohnson. (1950), A Study of the Social Position of Mentally Handicapped Children in the Regular Grades, American Jrl. of Mental Deficiency, (55), 60-89. 陈文枝等(1977);台北市中山国小学习迟缓儿童在资源班与普通班中国语、数学二科学习成绩之比较研究;台北市:中山国小.
- In the coming year we will begin a programme to provide air-conditioning in 17 schools for physically and severely mentally handicapped children regardless of whether these schools are affected by noise or other environmental nuisance. 我们会在明年为十七间弱能和严重弱智儿童学校安装空调。这些学校不论是否受到噪音或其他环境问题滋扰,都会一样受惠。
- National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children 全国心理缺陷(精神障)儿童学会
- a mentally handicapped child 智力有缺陷的孩子
- The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care. 社会工作者建议他们将其残疾儿送到福利院去。
- mentally handicapped child 弱智儿童
- Mentally handicapped persons can never grow up. 弱智人士永远不会成长。
- The social worker advise them to put their handicapped child into care. 社会工作者建议他们将其残疾儿送到福利院去。
- The family had a multiply handicapped child. 这个家庭有一个身心多方面有缺陷的孩子。
- I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. 我问神让我永不衰老。
- We can treat mentally handicapped persons as children. 对待弱智人士与一般小孩没有分别。
- The handicapped child became close to me. 那残疾孩子渐渐和我厮熟起来了。
- The Effect of Music Therapy in the Education of the Mentally Handicapped Children 音乐治疗在智力障碍儿童教育中的作用
- Handicapped children need your help please give generously. 残疾儿童需要您的帮助--请慷慨解囊。
- I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No". 我求神使我残障的小孩健全,神说不。
- Bringing up a handicapped child can be a long and hard road. 养大一个残疾儿童是件十分费时费力的事情。
- Many cases of mild mental handicap are caused by social deprivation. 轻度心理缺陷的许多病例都是由社会剥夺引起的。
- The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care . 社会工作者建议他们将其残疾儿送到福利院去。
- More than 500 indentured workers have been freed, including children and mentally handicapped people. 500多名沦为契约奴的农民工重获自由,其中包括儿童和智力残疾的人。
- There is no complete mentally handicapped people, just as there is no complete supernormal people. 也因此,并不存在完全的弱智儿,就像并不存在完全的超常儿一样。