- maximum oxide thickness 最厚氧化层厚度
- The oxide thickness is more 50 angstrom using an ion energe of 80 cV. They are good barriers for Jos-ephson junction. 在离子束的能量为80eV时,表层的氧化深度超过50埃。 这个氧化层是制造Josephson结势垒层的好材料。
- At the sub 90nm technology node, the gate oxide thickness is expected to be 12-15 Angstrom. 当半导体结点技术发展到小于90纳米时,栅氧化层厚度将减薄至12到15埃。
- The equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of an HfO_2 high k dielectric is extracted in two steps. 分两步提取了HfO2高k栅介质等效氧化层厚度(EOT).
- The MOS capacitor with Al 2O 3 dielectric of 3 .45nm equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) is fabricated by reactive sputter. 利用反应溅射方法制备了等效氧化层厚度为 3 45nm的Al2 O3栅介质MOS电容 ;研究了Al2 O3作为栅介质的瞬时击穿和恒压应力下的时变击穿等可靠性特征 .
- To obtain high performance and low power device, gate oxide thickness shrinkage is a main stream in modern ULSI industry. 摘要:为了达到高性能和低电压之元件,减少闸极氧化层厚度是现代超大型积体电路工业的一个主流。
- The negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) characteristics of HfN/HfO_2 gated p-MOSFET with equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of 1.3nm and low pre-existing traps are studied. 研究了HfN/HfO_2高K栅结构p型金属-氧化物-半导体(MOS)晶体管(MOSFET)中;负偏置-温度应力引起的阈值电压不稳定性(NBTI)特征.;HfN/HfO_2高K栅结构的等效氧化层厚度(EOT)为1·3nm;内含原生缺陷密度较低
- This expression can be used to calculate the DT current for nMOSFETs with ultra thin oxide when the oxide thickness is considered as an adjustable parameter. 将氧化层厚度作为可调参数 ;用这个经验公式可以很好地拟合超薄氧化物 n MOSFET器件的直接隧穿电流 .
- Based on the analysis of quasi-classical model and quantam model,a new empirical method is presented to extract the oxide thickness from measured C-V curves in accumulation region of MOS capacitors. 在分析半经典模型和量子模型的基础上 ;得到包括量子效应和多晶硅耗尽效应的栅氧厚度提取模型 .
- The influence of the thickness of SiO2 and La2O3 on the tunneling current is given to compare much different thickness of SiO2 and La2O3 tunneling current on the same equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) condition. 在等效氧化层厚度相同的情况下,比较了几种不同的SiO_2层厚度和La_2O_3层厚度结构的隧穿电流的大小,给出了SiO_2层厚度和La_2O_3层厚度对隧穿电流的影响。
- By complementing the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of a 1.7nm nitride/oxynitride (N/O) stack gate dielectric (EOT=1.7nm) with a W/TiN metal gate electrode,metal gate CMOS devices with sub-100nm gate length are fabricated in China for the first time. 在国内首次将等效氧化层厚度为1·7nm的N/O叠层栅介质技术与W/Ti N金属栅电极技术结合起来;用于栅长为亚100nm的金属栅CMOS器件的制备.
- Based on the analysis of quasi-classical model and quantam model, a new empirical method is presented to extract the oxide thickness from measured C-V curves in accumulation region of MOS capacitors. 摘要在分析半经典模型和量子模型的基础上,得到包括量子效应和多晶矽耗尽效应的栅氧厚度提取模型。
- In chapter 2, we discuss the relationship between the intrinsic capacitance and the fringing capacitance with various oxide thicknesses. 第二章说明不同氧化层厚度下,本体电容和边缘电容彼此之间的关系。
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。
- Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency. 我们的目标是取得最高的效率。
- How can you get rid of this oxide coating? 你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
- This hall holds a maximum of seventy people. 这厅最多容纳七十人。
- The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort. 这服装精心设计,力求达到最大限度的舒适。
- The beam has a thickness of 3 inches. 这根梁厚3英寸。
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值