- Half a million people held a mass protest against racism last night. 昨晚50万人举行了大规模的抗议活动反对种族歧视。
- The city council's new project caused mass protest because it will proceed to the detriment of local environment. 市政厅的新规划遭到了大规模的抗议,因为它将损害当地的环境。
- The ballot-rigging turned that support into a mass protest against the system itself. 舞弊最终转成对政体本身的大规模抗议。
- Photographers deserted the photo call in mass protest when Pitt passed the offending lenses to co-star Casey Affleck, who put them on. 摄影师空荡荡的照片请在大规模抗议时,皮特通过得罪镜夏纳卡西阿弗莱克的,他们把他们。
- A group of 300 masked demonstrators broke away from a mass protest organised by the government and smashed their way into the building as police looked on. 大约有300名带着面具的示威者均来自由政府组织的大群反抗者,他们冲进了由警察看守的办公楼并一路砸碎一些建筑物。
- Beleaguered Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns following weeks of mass protests over flawed elections. 在因选举作弊而引发的持续数周的群众抗议后,被围攻的乔治亚州州长艾多尔德·施瓦德纳忒兹辞职。
- According to the Associated Press, the mass protests in Cincinnati matched those that broke out after the killing of Martin Luther King. 美联社称,辛辛那提的抗议活动是自1968年民权运动领袖马
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The BBC's James Reynolds, in Beijing, says Chinese officials have taken extra security measures to avoid mass protests around the anniversary. BBC驻京记者:詹姆士。雷诺兹说,中国官方提高了安全警戒措施以防止纪围绕念日的大规模骚乱。
- We cannot pass this matter by without protest. 我们不能对此事听之任之。
- President Mikhail Saakashvili issued the emergency decree last week, after six days of mass protests in Tbilisi that culminated in clashes with police. 萨瓦什维利总统上星期颁布了紧急状态令。在那之前,格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯连续6天爆发大规模抗议,最后同警方发生了冲突。
- If I have to do it, I shall do it under protest. 如果非要我做这件事不可,我是干得不心甘情愿的。
- The two officers were the leaders of a group of soldiers who planned to take advantage of mass protests against Arroyo on Friday to overthrow her. 这两名军官是此群军人的带头者;他们计划利用周五反艾氏的游行示威推翻她.
- I went to the doctor under protest. 我勉强去看了医生。
- Mass protests, such as successful demonstrations in 2007 by residents of Xiamen against a planned chemical plant on the coast, are localised. 像2007年厦门居民抵制计划建造的化学工厂之类这样大量保护工作还是需要本土化。
- He can protest if he wants to; it's all one to me. 要是他愿意,他可以抗议,那对我没什么。
- Etymology: This term came into use in the late1880 s, when labor unions began to organize mass protests against low wages and inhuman working conditions. 词源:这个短语是从19世纪80年代末开始使用的,当时工会开始组织大规模的活动,以抗议低工资和非人道的工作环境。
- All protest is brutally repressed by the regime. 一切抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压。
- They expressed a vehement protest. 他们表达了强烈的抗议。
- Etymology: This term came into use in the late 1880s, when labor unions began to organize mass protests against low wages and inhuman working conditions. 词源:这个短语是从19世纪80年代末开始使用的,当时工会开始组织大规模的活动,以抗议低工资和非人道的工作环境。