- The creatures have their own inbuilt magnetic compass. 这些生物有它们内在的磁罗盘。
- The needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole. 磁性罗盘上的指针指向北方磁极。
- A slender magnet suspended in a magnetic compass on a low-friction mounting; used to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic pole. 在低磨擦力的磁性罗盘内悬挂的小的磁体;确定地球磁的方向。
- The first thing we tried was wrapping some wire around a magnetic compass. 我们尝试的第一件事是在一个指南针的外面缠绕上导线。
- A magnetic compass bearing. 可分辨磁极方向的罗盘
- The first mention of magnetism and the equivalent of a magnetic compass are even earlier. 最早提到磁力和相当于磁力罗盘的书籍出现的时间甚至更早。
- If we could make an electromagnet strong enough, it would move the needle of a magnetic compass. 如果可以使得电磁场足够强,那么就会使指南针中的指针转动。
- We have sextants and magnetic compass on board. DF will carry on when emergency. 我船有六分仪和磁罗经.;紧急情况时可以使用无线电测向仪
- This was supplanted in the early 20th century by the liquid-filled magnetic compass. 直到20世纪早期才被流体填充磁性罗盘取代。
- The birthplace of paper, printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass turned inward, uncreative, and xenophobic. 造纸术、印刷术、火药和指南针四大发明的故乡变得内向、排外和缺乏创造性。
- For the azimuth angle (sideways) use a magnetic compass and swing the dish boldly sideways to find the satellite on the first swing. 至于方位角角度(斜向一边的)使用一个磁性指南针和大胆地摇摆盘斜向一边发现卫星在第一摇摆。
- The present magnetic compass has some problems need to be solved such as big volume, weight , power consume, harding to debug , compensate error. 已有磁罗盘面临的体积、重量、功耗大,调试、误差补偿困难等问题亟待解决,在微控制器广泛应用的今天,利用磁阻器件和单片机实现集成化和智能化成为改善磁罗盘性能的有效方法。 本文正是在此基础上研制出了具有倾角补偿功能的磁阻电子罗盘。
- We elucidate the development of avian biomagnetism in relation to magnetic compass,navigating map and mechanism of magnetic induction in this paper. 本文从鸟类使用的磁罗盘、航行地图以及磁感应机制等几方面阐述了目前在鸟类生物磁学方面的研究进展。
- Gallien was concerned about "Alex", who had minimal supplies (not even a magnetic compass) and no experience of surviving in the Alaskan bush. 加里恩回忆说他记得这个人自称叫“亚历克斯”,只带了极少的补给(他甚至连个指南针都没有),而且没有任何在阿拉斯加荒野地区生存的经验。
- GREENLAND was discovered without the use of magnetic compasses. 格陵兰岛被人类发现没有借助于磁罗盘。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- Based on the gyrocompass technique, the magnetic compass deviation automatic measurement and correction system synthesizes both gyrocompass and magnetic compass technique. 基于电罗经技术的磁罗经自差自动测定和校正系统是一个综合了电罗经和磁罗经技术的自差测定和校正系统。
- An ingenious Han inventor devised a seismograph that could point to an earthquake's center, and others invented the first magnetic compass and even the first wheelbarrow. 第一次复汉其实就是皇室后裔刘秀(汉光武帝)推翻王莽、建立东汉的历程,这次复汉以成功告终。
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- Magnetic compass is one of directional navigation instrument in ship fitting, the deviation of magnetic compass will influence the navigational safety of ship. 摘要磁罗经是船舶装备的主要指向性航海仪器之一,磁罗经自差的大小将直接影响船舶的航行安全。