- When did you make the acquaintance of his brother? 你是什么时候认识他兄弟的?
- I made the acquaintance of Mr. King at a dinner party. 我在宴会上与金先生相识了。
- My parents soon made the acquaintance of my new teacher. 我父母很快就认识了我的新老师。
- I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time. 大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。
- I make the acquaintance of tom when on holiday in spain. 我是在西班牙度假时结识汤姆的。
- I made the acquaintance of Tom when on holiday in Spain. 我是在西班牙度假时结识汤姆的。
- I make the acquaintance of Mr. King at a dinner party. 我在宴会上与金先生相识了。
- I made the acquaintance of the well-known adventuress. 我认识了大名鼎鼎的女冒险家。
- We made the acquaintance of the workers when we stayed in the plant. 我们在工厂的时候认识了这些工人。
- While travelling I made the acquaintance of many interesting people. 旅行时我认识很多有趣的人。
- I was lucky to make the acquaintance of two young poets at the Reading Club. 在读书俱乐部我很幸运地认识了两位青年诗人。
- He also made the acquaintance of writer Emile Zola, who became a close friend and defender of his work. 他还结识了作家左拉。 左拉与他成为密友,并为他的作品直言辩护。
- When he'd worked in the production brigade by the Ertix River, he'd made the acquaintance of an elderly Kazakh woman. 他在额尔齐斯河边插队的时候,曾经认识一位哈萨克的老母亲。
- It is very interesting to make the acquaintance of this country and its culture. 了解这个国家和它的文化是很有趣的事。
- Aristophanes Was terrified of bees. He hid from them in bogs And made the acquaintance of Frogs. 阿里斯托芬很害怕蜜蜂。他躲藏进泥沼成为青蛙相好。
- When they reached Calcutta, Phatik made the acquaintance of his aunt for the first time. 到达加尔各答时,法提克第一次见到了他的舅舅和舅妈。
- In 1933, introduced by Smedley, Rewi Alley made the acquaintance of Soong Ching Ling (widow of Dr. 经始末莱特介绍,1933年艾黎结识了他毕生最敬重的宋庆龄。
- I'm fortunate enough today to have made the acquaintance of a well-known teacher. 今天我有幸拜认了一位名师。
- A flood of associations,visions of various ways he had made the acquaintance of women,rushed into his mind and threatened to swamp it. 一阵联想的浪潮袭来,他跟妇女们认识的各种方式涌入了他的心里,几乎要淹没了它。
- To read a book for the first time is to make the acquaintance of a new friend; to read it a second time is to meet an old one. 初读如结交新友,再读如老友重逢。